First--get the bad out of the way.
CIA chick. Sorry, MM is so wooden I kept expecting House to use her as a cane. And honestly, I spent the whole ep (as well as the last one) *looking* for the attraction. Never found it. Not sexually, not intellectually, certainly not based on personality 'cause she didn't have one. Come on, we know House can have chemistry with inanimate objects. Why do they do they pair him with nothings? If they insist on making him a chick magnet--give me someone believable. Give me the dwarf mom. *That* was chemistry.
Cameron beating her dead horse infatuation. Again. Repeatedly. Nuff said.
Why are the newbies clones of the oldies? First we get Cam 2.0 with the tragic personal secret. Now we've apparently got Wilson 2.0 with the Taub the philanderer. Humans have a multitude of flaws and vices. Couldn't we maybe explore something new? My guess is Kutner will be Chase 2.0. Or Cuddy 2.0...'cause you know Kutner's been called partypants at some point.
But on the plus side... pretty much all of the House/Wilson, House/Cuddy interactions.
"Have a moment to be disemboweled?"
Cuddy was Cuddy. She was sharp, she was tart, she rocked. I so love this Cuddy. She was trying to keep everything running smoothly, keep the film crew semi-happy, and make House act like a grown-up. She *wasn't* interferring with House's medical decisions and she wasn't caving spinelessly to him. Plus I adored the scene where she and House were watching the final film. She was so amused and he was so horrified.
"House is a practicing Wiccan."
Wilson was having *so* much fun jerking the film crew around. That's good. Wilson needs more fun. He was also subtly dissing all the females as nothing more than idiot objects of House's sexual desire throughout the ep. Sadly, I'm inclined to agree with him in a number of cases. That is on the idiot issue, not that I saw much sexual desire on House's part. Seriously, House may be talking the talk, but he ain't walking the walk. He was kind of stupid tho, but maybe Wilson's been slipping him pills again.
And oh dear lord the whole 'did Foreman get stupid around Chase?' thing... Two men in 'Blew' the janitor's closet discussing sexual orientation. I don't care how many times Wilson tried to see through CIA chick's dress, the subtext overwhelmed the het.
And speaking of Chase, it was nice to see him for more than a few seconds, and as more than Cameron's tool. wasn't very flattering. I know he was supposed to be a little out of his comfort zone because of the camera, but he just seemed off all ep. Sort of lackluster. It's a shame because I've enjoyed the little bits of Chase snark we've gotten this season. I want more.