Quest for Color pages 25-30

May 11, 2007 18:03

And here it is, the very colorful end to my epic thirty-page comic, Quest for Color.

Well, I just realized I forgot to color the other two crystals besides the blue one in one of the panels on this page... yeah, I was kind of rushing through this towards the end and I got a little sloppy. Oops. But I know you get the picture.

The whole point of this project was to take something we've learned in color class and apply it to a project we found interesting. If you remember my first project, I used the colors in the additive system (red, green, blue) filtered through light to create the six colors of the integrative system (red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta). It's the same idea for this project-- taking the red, green, and blue color crystals and holding them up to the light to project their color onto the landscape. Here we have red...

And then green...

And finally, to complete the colors, there's blue.

Now that everything is in color, I didn't want anything-- even the borders or text-- to be in outlined in black. So each character has their own color. The girl is obviously blue (water), and for the boy I chose red (land), and for the wizard I chose green (the only other color left). The last panel is kind of cheesy, but I thought it was cute, and I love how her facial expression came out.


Well, there it is. As I said before, comments are always welcome. I hope you enjoyed it!
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