i do sort of understand why that guy would tell you how "brave" you are. having several family members that frequently have "pity parties" and feel there is no reason to go on when life gets tough...yeah i get it. it annoys the hell out of me that people just give up
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Oooh, town forum! And I can blame it on Hallie! I'm with you, though, I saw a lot of folks at rehab that just refused to even try and sat there whining about how hard it was, and it was so annoying to see people give up like that when there is so much yet to do and see. Still, it would be nice if folks would figure out the difference between pity and encouragement sometimes, because I know they mean well, but it can be irritating when they present it the wrong way. I'm still kind of sensitive to folks staring at me, I suppose.
And, cheering for you for your determination after your stroke, too. That's the best word for it, I think, as opposed to "bravery" or "strength." And, I think I know at least one or two people who are as awsome, if not moreso, than I am. *Hugs for Hallie*
halfrek2 has the right of it; there are a lot of people in the world who would NOT adapt well to any sort of disability, and thus they tend to be mightily impressed by anybody who does. Just pretend they think you're a superhero and go with it, 'cause confusing people is fun.
It also makes a difference when one has known folks with disabilities. It's a lot easier to see the person in the chair when you've had a friend or family member in the same spot.
When my brother broke his neck in '03, we didn't know for a few days whether he would be permanently quadriplegic or not. And yet there he was, shocking all the hospital staff with his cheerful joking and general upbeat-ness. One of them even said to me at one point, "He's got such a fantastic attitude. Most kids his age with this kind of injury are angry or bitter." In the end, he recovered with fairly light permanent effects, but I'm sure that had he wound up para or quad, he'd have adapted and thrived. You and he are cut from the same cloth.
I guess everyone reacts differently in a crisis. LOL about people thinking I'm a superhero. Now I'll have to find a bright yellow cape so I can roll around in my wheelchair as Superducky! I still have the ability to pass gas at will, so I'm already complete with superpowers.
I agree, people who have experience with the disabled tend to treat the disabled more normally. Folks with no experience really have no clue what to say or do, and end up being either pitying, condescending, or downright asses.
I'm glad your brother recovered, and that he had such determination and will while he was laid up. I'd have probably gotten along great with him at rehab, because he would have been one of the folks that actually got up and tried to do the therapy and get his life back instead of moping around and acting like his life was over.
LOL, Laurel is awesome, is she not? She gives me some of the best responses to my posts in all of LiveJournaldom. Actually, if I entered an ass kicking contest, I don't know if I would be able to call myself "brave" so much as "victim." And, of course, at the hospital, they would call me "patient." I guess it would depend upon the ass being kicked. I could probably beat Vern Troyer. And Paris Hilton, because, let's face it, I don't care about my nails.
Ewww, the thought of icky personal hygiene just makes me shudder! As I have often said, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and stinkiness is next to nobody." But, yeah, I did meet a few of the "I give up" brigade at the rehab unit, so I know of whom you speak. As for asking "What happened to you?" I can understand why people would get tired of answering after a while. I don't personally have a problem when they ask (my missing leg is pretty much a giveaway of what happened to me, anyway), but what I wonder is why a person would ask me if they didn't know me. I mean, if I saw an abled person at the grocery store, and they had a big scar across their face, I wouldn't go out of my way to ask them "What happened to you?" unless it was someone I actually knew, and the scar was a new thing. Otherwise, I would figure maybe it was none of my business. LOL, I would never run them over for asking a question! I reserve running them over for when I play "Bowling for Pedestrians
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This is weird. I remember seeing a comment from you, too, but I haven't deleted anything. The only thing I did was clear my inbox, but that doesn't delete the comments from the entry, or all the other ones would be missing, too. Maybe LiveJournal is having issues? I will send them an e-mail and see if they know what might have happened.
You wheelchair wuss!
May 1 2008, 01:36:18 UTC
What you want is a motorized beastie! Then you can pass up slow movers like me and just grin. Get yerself a motorized cart. Not for all purposes, but wonderful if you have to get out and be mobiile and don't want anyone else messing with you. And it has the advantage of being stealthy. Because it's hand controls for forward and reverse, you can bang backwards into annoying people behind you and they'll have no idea your coming at them 'till you do. None of that dead-give-away elbow action!
The little basket on the front handle of those thingies comes in really handy for purse-snatches and other fun tricks.
I'm telling you, you can get Social Security or Medicare to pay for the things. Go for it! Hee! Get some horses under your hooves!
Re: You wheelchair wuss!ducky01May 1 2008, 15:33:54 UTC
I like the motorized ones, but they are very expensive, and because I am eligible for prosthesis, I probably won't qualify for motorized while I'm still able to use the prosthetic. SS and Medicaid only pay for the motorized kind if the patient is completely dependent on wheelchair at all times. Otherwise, you just get the regular, garden-variety kind. But, I am getting pretty good with my chair, and no one can ever tell when I'm about to back up suddenly, because I use my left foot to kick it backwards, and they don't seed my arms move! And I am also really good at maneuvering my chair into small places, so no one can tell if I am lurking around a corner, or even hiding in a closet, just waiting to pounce with full-wheel-fury on unsuspecting pedestrians! Of course, the little basket would be nice, too. I'm trying to figure out a way to attach one on mine, plus I want to get a little horn and a rearview mirror.
Comments 11
And, cheering for you for your determination after your stroke, too. That's the best word for it, I think, as opposed to "bravery" or "strength." And, I think I know at least one or two people who are as awsome, if not moreso, than I am. *Hugs for Hallie*
It also makes a difference when one has known folks with disabilities. It's a lot easier to see the person in the chair when you've had a friend or family member in the same spot.
When my brother broke his neck in '03, we didn't know for a few days whether he would be permanently quadriplegic or not. And yet there he was, shocking all the hospital staff with his cheerful joking and general upbeat-ness. One of them even said to me at one point, "He's got such a fantastic attitude. Most kids his age with this kind of injury are angry or bitter." In the end, he recovered with fairly light permanent effects, but I'm sure that had he wound up para or quad, he'd have adapted and thrived. You and he are cut from the same cloth.
I agree, people who have experience with the disabled tend to treat the disabled more normally. Folks with no experience really have no clue what to say or do, and end up being either pitying, condescending, or downright asses.
I'm glad your brother recovered, and that he had such determination and will while he was laid up. I'd have probably gotten along great with him at rehab, because he would have been one of the folks that actually got up and tried to do the therapy and get his life back instead of moping around and acting like his life was over.
Also, I would consider you brave if you entered an ass kicking contest *g*
(The comment has been removed)
hugs from ducky
The little basket on the front handle of those thingies comes in really handy for purse-snatches and other fun tricks.
I'm telling you, you can get Social Security or Medicare to pay for the things. Go for it! Hee! Get some horses under your hooves!
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