I gakked this from Deejay.
Seen around....
Find your 42nd entry ever. Yes, this may require some counting and basic math. Deal with it. Copy that entry in a new entry. This is the meaning of your life.
Finally, something good going on... [Dec. 11th, 2003|02:29 pm]
[ Current Mood | exuberant ]
[ Current Music | Christmas At Ground Zero by "Weird Al" Yankovic ]
I am going to be spending Christmas week up in Cleveland with my sister and the family! Yay! I've been cleaning the bird cages and helping out with stuff for close to two years now without taking any time off, so this will be like an actual vacation. More yay! Here's how it came about:
I have been going up to Cleveland with GuruGuy on the occasional Saturday to help him paint the old house in Cleveland and get it cleaned up so that it will be ready to be sold. We've been a little sporadic about this, as he doesn't always like to spend his day off working, and he's been busy with projects here on their farm, too. So, back last month, he said we would be coming up a couple of Saturdays in December, before New Year, to finish up the painting, because he really does want to get the house on the market and sold. He specifically mentioned the 20th and the 27th. So, my sister and I talked about it, and she invited me to spend the week with her. Since her car is not in the best of shape, and not really up to the three and a half-hour drive, we figured I could just go up and paint on the 20th, stay the week, then come back with GuruGuy on the 27th. I checked with Mrs. GuruGuy to see if she could spare me for a week. She didn't seem to have a problem with it. I already figure the bird room will be a mess when I get back, and I will have to work pretty hard to catch it all up, but I could really use the time off, so I don't care.
So, I mentioned this plan to GuruGuy, who suddenly decided that he will be going up to Cleveland on the 20th, but he won't be going back until January 10th, after New Year. Now, I know darned well that, if I take three weeks off, that bird room is going to be a filthy disaster when I get back, and I will end up seriously hurting myself trying to get it back to normal. There's also the fact that my sister had only planned for me to stay for one week, and had some other house guests coming for New Years' week, and I didn't want to impose myself on her longer than we'd planned, especially since she wouldn't have room for that many houseguests all at once.
Her father-in-law was at the house when I called, and he's always liked me. When he heard about it, he offered to let them borrow his car to drive me home the 27th. So, big happy cheer, I get to go visit my sis over Christmas Week! I am very excited about this. My niece and nephew are already planning on all sorts of fun things to do to me while I am there (Note to self: Do NOT let them duct tape me to the chairs at any time unless another adult is present). I'm going to bake a huge batch of Christmas cookies and take them with me so I can pass them out to everyone. Must remember to give Father-In-Law a box full. He loves my cookies, and I'm thinking that might be why he offered the use of his wheels, because he just KNOWS I'm going to bake him some cookies.
Okay, away I go to finish tidying up the house a bit. We've got the church Youth Group coming over to practice Christmas carols tonight (they will be going out caroling as a Youth Group activity one night next week). Should be an interesting evening. I'll be hiding in my room as much as possible.
-They'll never find me if I hide under my desk...
Wow, when I think about how things have changed since then! That post didn't actually define the meaning of my life, but looking at it in retrospect, it shows me just how much things have changed, and for the better. I'm no longer an indentured servant to the GuruGuys, and while I may not live the most envious and wealthy of lifestyles, I have reached a place where I can be content with the hand I have been dealt. I have learned not to simply be a doormat, or someone that needs to apologize for their existence. I've learned to speak up when I am wronged, and speak up for others when I feel they are being wronged. Maybe I'm not such a meek little ducky anymore. But, I still have my sense of humor!
hugs from ducky