Name: Daniel Boos
Birth date: September 19,1988
Birthplace: Misawa Japan
Current Location: Family room
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'6 1/2"
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: virgo
Marital Status: single
Nicknames: Booshound/Boos/Danny(if youre brodsky)/Bohemian theater fag ;)
Siblings: Lian
What did you do yesterday? Went to wildwood for the first time with senior jim
What are you doing tomorrow? NOT going to wildwood lol...other than that who knows
What are you listening to? "defense defense defense" (my grandpa is watching a basketball game
What country would you most like to visit?: Japan
What are you most afraid of?: That my close friends will hate me and ill be alone for eternity
What are you wearing? Pants and a tshirt
What are you thinking about right now? hehe cant say
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Black...definately black...
One pillow or two, cotton or feather?: two of the cotton
How do you eat a Rees's Peanut Butter Cup?: One at a time??
Understanding?: I try
Arrogant?: I hope not
Insecure?: Insanely
Interesting?: I find myself plain and drab
Friendly?: I think so...maybee
Smart?: Im stupid
Moody?: Oui
Childish?: My parents tell me so
Independent?: A bit
Emotionally Stable?: No
Shy?: Yes
Attractive?: Far from it
Bored Easily?: depends...I have a short attention span but i can usually come back to things
Responsible?: My parents dont think so
Sad?: often
Obsessive?: heh with some things
Obsessive compulsive?: no idea
Psycho?: No
Your heritage?: chinese/german/...danish?
Your weakness?: Dont have one in particular
Your fears?: being left by everyone
Your perfect pizza?: mushroom
Your current Mood?: tired and sad
Your current Music?: the game ended so silence
Your current Taste?: sawdust
Your current Hair?: ...long?
Your current Smell: paint
Your current Favorite Celebrity: are we talking hot here? hayden christianson
Your most overused phrase on AIM/AOL/MN: lol
The worst song you ever heard: Milkshake-merengue remix
The last thing you ate?: a burrito (ow my stomach)
The last thing you said?: gnight
The best song you ever heard?: I dont really know so ill just pick one I like Inner Universe-Origa
The shoes you wore today?: Dying sandals
The most embarrassing thing you've done? Too many to choose from
Goal you'd like to achieve?: Be liked
Fallen for your best friend?: maybee
Done something you regret?: heh ALOT
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
Smoked?: no
Broken the law?: yes
Broken a bone? no
Cheated on a test?: once
Played truth or dare?: many times
Flashed someone?: never
Mooned someone?: never
Kissed someone you didn't know?: no
Been in a physical fight?: With my father
Ridden in a police car?: no
Been on a plane?: yes
Come close to dying?: nope
Been in a sauna?: no
Been in a hot tub?: yes
Swam in the ocean?: yes
Done illegal drugs?: no
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: not really
Been called a tease?: no
Gotten beaten up?: yes
Considered a life of crime?: never
You talked to in person?: jim
You talked to on the phone?: rachel
You instant messaged?: chelsea
You had lunch with?: jim and rachel
You kissed?: dont ask
Who broke your heart? yet again dont ask
You had physical contact with? fiona
Color your hair?: no
Have tattoos? no
Have Piercings?: no
Floss daily? no
Own a web cam?: no
Ever get off the darn computer?: sometimes
Like Parks?: love 'em
Like school?: Occasionaly
Collect anything?: hah not since elementary school
Work?: no
Like shopping?: sometimes
Party?: in moderation
Smoke?: no
Sing?: yes
Have a crush?: yep
Do you think you've been in love?: I really dont know
Want to go to college?: Yes
Like high school?: I like the people
Want to get married?: undecided
Do you have a lava lamp?: yes
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: no
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger king
Single or group dates: either
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: coffee
Chicken or fish: fish
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
TV or Movies: Movies
Dogs or Cats: Dogs
Half empty or half full: Half empty
Made Out?: yes
Gone on a date?: who knows
Gone to the mall?: mp
Made homemade cookies?: no
Dyed your hair?: no
Stolen anything?: no
Aliens? no clue
Angels? no clue
Heaven? no clue
Hell? no clue
God? I have no idea
Yourself? in what way?
Ghosts? probably not
Love? yes
Love at first sight? rarely
The tooth fairy?: no
Santa Claus?: no
Cupid? no
The Easter Bunny?: no
Where do you want to go to college? Emmerson or wilmington
What do you want to be when you grow up? a professional techie
Where do you want to get married? ...In a place...with people...
Do you want to have a small or big wedding? Well see
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? yes
Do you want to have children? who knows
How many children do you want to have? heh 1 or 2
What do you want to name them? hmmm i havent given it much thought
Where do you want to live? ...not north carolina?
Was this survey worth your time? haha it was semi entertaining