Regretfully, the money was not mine. Our Troop has done a great job with Cookies Sales this year, and that's the amount the troop owed to the council for purchasing the cookies.
Otherwise, I am rubbish today. Thankfully, my 3 year hiatus from the fandom has produced much fic, and thus, I can lay here in bed and be amused. Which is good, because they say laughter heals. And my youngest is all cuddles while she zones on TV. She's pretty croupy. Guess we're all rubbish, today.
I need to get the house clean by Monday evening. I am hoping that being restful today will allow me to go at things at least in nearly-full steam tomorrow and Monday. After that, it's a workweek, and the doom-in-laws will be down with their white gloves (and they're not white gloves made of win like Al's or Roy's. These are critical, discerning white gloves) on Saturday. It's such a bummer that I have to do the monthly inventory on Saturday, so I have to work. Awh, shucks.
More Oliver on Sunday, that's good. And Thanksgiving leftovers, that's good, too. And baby cuddles, those are very good. Although, she's hardly a baby anymore. She's suddenly obtained the physique of a very small child, and so my baby bean is just that much closer to being a KID.
After the house is whipped back into shape, I can start letting my muses occupy my time. I have a fanVid idea, and a fic idea . . . dunno how actually writing it will come out. But it's nibbling at me.