This is my first legacy -- that I'm posting anyway. I've done a couple in the past, but I wasn't ever able to stick with it to the end.
I'm hoping that by posting it up, it'll give me some motivation, so we shall see :]
Allow to give a brief introduction. As you have probably guessed, this is a Pixar themed legacy. Every generation will have one (or two in one case) films that the kids' names will come from with some exceptions. First, if I have run out of names for that particular sex, then I will modify a name from the movie, (Example: If I have more than three girls in the toy story generation, then I will name the fourth girl Andrea in place of Andy.) Second, I will only be using names that are actually names. No Little Mr. Potato Heads or Syndromes. Also, all traits and likes will be rolled for.
Okay, now that I have thoroughly bored you, onto the story!
This is our founder,
Luxo Pixar! He is an Inappropriate Workaholic and an Unlucky Virtuoso. He also happens to be a Light Sleeper. In short, he is an awkward little Pisces, and I love him for it. His goal is to become A Jack of All Trades.
His favorite music is Indie, his favorite food is Dim Sum, and his favorite color is Orange.
Aw, look, he's all excited for his new life to begin! Poor sap.
His starter shack. Not terrible looking from here...
...I would like to retract my last statement.
This humble abode does not deter Luxo as he heroically and triumphantly... watches tv.
Maybe it's because I haven't played Sims 3 in a while, but I took a lot of amusement in his reaction to the sports channel. He was so into it.
Alright, enough lazing about, time to find a job!
Luxo: :/
Oh, don't give me that look. It's your lifetime want. Maybe some ladies will make you feel better?
So, with a new job in the Medical industry secured, I sent him off to Central Park to see if he could find his Future Egg Donor Mrs. Right.
Love at first sight, maybe?
Take #2!
Aw, she's cute. :3 What do you think, Luxo?
Luxo: 4/10. Would not bang.
Wait... wuh? You certainly have low standards buddy.
Oh well, you're going to need to start popping out babies sooner rather than later, so I'll roll with it.
Luxo: I could compose you an aria to your loveliness.
Creeper Kid: What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?
Madison VanWatson: Psst, you know that Luxo guy? He's such a weirdo!
Luxo: Haha, i kno, rite!?... Wait.
Then, Luxo asked her what her gender preference was, and I... don't even want to know why she thought that.
Let's do a little more shopping around, Luxo.
Oh, Tori Kimura is pretty. Luxo promptly introduced himself and made some small talk.
And I see you being a mature-lady-stalker back there >_>
Luxo: Oh god, her favorite color is green! My house is orange and green! IT'S A SIGN!
Okay, that's enough excitement for one day. Time to head home and get some rest for your first day at work.
Luxo, you do know that beanies are not appropriate attire for the office, yes?...
Oh right, you don't. .___.
Well, well, well... Get some, playa!
So, he got all gussied up, and what happens? She's too busy making goo-goo eyes over some other dude for them to start the date! And, I found out later, he's married!
So, he headed on home. He was tired anyway, and since it looked like Madison was not future Mrs. Egg Donor Right, then what was the point in staying?
But, to stay on the safe side, Luxo had a dinner that didn't require the stove to make. He couldn't chance it what with his unluckiness and all.
Don't worry, sugarplum, tomorrow will be a better day...
...Or not. :|
Despite feeling unlucky, when he got home, he was asked out again! Holla at a playa.
Meet Jamie Jolina. She is a co-worker of his, being a trauma surgeon. (aka KACHING!)
He actually met her at the same time as Madison and Tori, but I forgot to take a picture of her. <<
I don't know why EA insists on giving these girls more paint than an art museum, but I see potential here. That and she apparently thought they had a lot in common when they met.
But then, as soon as Luxo got there and had time to say hi, SHE LEFT! >:[ How does this happen!?
Luxo: Bitches be cray- cray, but I ain't be trippin'.
Fo' sho, playa.
Why is he a gangsta in my head? :/
The next day, after work, Luxo called Jamie to see if she wanted to hang out.
But she said no.
Luxo: *has a sad*
Don't worry, sugar, it'll happen soon. <3
Of course, I was glad just to see him dreaming about something other than his job. Seriously, that's ALL he dreams about :[
Date with Jamie: Take 3!
Alright, bump this, if she doesn't want to go out again, then Luxo will just have to find another lady friend.
Meet Emma Hatch. I think she is very pretty...
That and she's got HUGE... tracts of land.
Luxo went to go say hi, and...
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees :3
Until next time~
So, what to y'all think so far? I would to hear any critiques you have. Also, as a side note, I would like to apologize for the quality of the photos. I play on a dinosaur of a laptop, and I'm afraid it'll commit seppeku if I make it run too hard. If you want, I can try to up the quality to see how my computer reacts :]