OOC: Massive info post!

May 10, 2006 16:11

Because I have no life, yes.

So, dudes, you've had a chance to meet Jude. Now, let me tell you a bit more about him. Before I do, I encourage you all to try and watch 6teen, which is currently on Nickelodeon in the States, every week day at 4.30 EST. Yes, it's a Canadian show.

Ergo, Jude's Canadian. 6teen isn't a Canadian show like Stargate or Relic Hunter, which are set in the States. The Galleria Mall, where Jude and his friends hang out constantly, is based on both the West Edmonton Mall and the Toronto Eaton's Centre. And because I'm from the GTA and know the area, I've decided to make Jude also one of those craaaazy Torontonians - now with less crazy since Mel Lastman is gone. There are several other references to being Canadian in the show itself. The kids use multicoloured money and loonies and toonies. Jen's Olympic snowboarding dreams have her standing on the podium under the Maple Leaf while 'Oh Canada' plays. Crazy Pete goes to the Calgary Stampede. A Montreal Canadiens jersey. Things like that. So. Jude is Canadian. Feel free to make all the jokes you want about this. I think I've already broken out the 'two canoes and a paper airplane' one. He's also going to be having trouble differentiating bills for a while. Because really, all green bills? How confusing is that?

Ahem. Right. To continue.

Jude is also extremely laidback while at the same time totally into extreme sports. If it has the word 'extreme' in front of it, he's either done it or wants to do it. He's so laidback that the weirdness of Fandom isn't quite getting to him. Much to the frustration of Nadia already. The Hallowe'en special, 'Dude of the Living Dead', was an extended dream sequence wherein the mall was invaded by zombies and Jude ended up the hero of the piece, rescuing his then-girlfriend Starr from the roof of the Vegan Hut. While it was only a dream, Jude is the type to believe that such a thing could happen in real life. Hence, not being wigged out by Fandom. Very little except school can, and I quote, "harsh his mellow".

I suggest, if you're interested, popping over to 6teen.ca and checking out the site. It's a fan site that goes very well with the mood of the show. Jude's profile also has a sweet little video of him doing what he does best.

Finally, I'm not actually a skateboarder. So if his various tricks seem kinda handwavey, that's because they are.

Finally finally, I am working on some live-action, I suppose you could say, icons starring my friend Konrad, the living embodiment of Jude. You may remember him as the 6'7 longboarder wearing a fedora.

Finally finally finally (I swear), a bit about my start in this small fandom. When I was a wee sprog, my family and the family next door were very close. Spent a bunch of time together, ran around naked, shared a sandbox, had an easy-access backyard fence close. They were professional musicians and even after they moved away we kept in touch. Now, the family patriarch, Don Breithupt, and his business partner write and compose all the music for 6teen, which is why we started watching it. I heard the theme song before it was even a pitch for the theme song. And then I just ended up loving the show.

That's it. I'm done now.

EDIT: And thanks to the magic of Trillian's Wiki function, I found out that St. Jude is the patron saint of just but hopeless causes. Shiny.

EDIT EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention. Jude is voiced by the toothbrush from the Listerine commercials ("Twice a day. Call me."). *nods* *wanders away*

info post, ooc

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