1. Age: 18
2. Location: cleveland[ish], ohio
3. How did you find out about this community: i just randomly found it.
4. Tell us a little about yourself (what you like to do,music,anything on your life): I enjoy indian food way too much and i really, REALLY want a ferret but my mom isn't too fond of that idea :|. Astrology is really interesting to me. I'm a cancer and most definitely a steriotypical cancer to the max; very emotional, sensitive, possessive, and moody. It's all good though. I like toast a lot [yes, toast] and I'm in my first year at college at Cleveland State. I'm majoring in journalism, it's a pretty fun time i suppose. I want to move to los angeles really badly once i finish up with college and actually have a good amount of money saved up. I love it there. Cleveland is definitely not the place for me.
kind of odd lighting. but yeah, fun times x 3!!!
an older picture [late this past summer]; my natural hair color.
i got a haircut last week.