1. Dude
Dean: 0
Sam: 0
2. "I've been everywhere, man."
Dean: 0
Sam: 0
3. "Jerk." "Bitch."
Dean: 2
1. "Bitch." (when Henriksen and cops catch them in hotel room)
2. "You kinky son of a bitch, we don't swing that way."
Sam: 0
4. Jinx: 0
5. Fence-jumpin', Lock-pickin', Gun-shootin', and Door-kickin'.
Number of times a fence is jumped (by Sam, Dean, or both): 0
Number of times a lock is picked (by Sam or Dean):0 (although its not shown how they got into Bela's hotel room)
Number of times a gun is fired (by Sam or Dean):
Dean: 5
Sam: 1
Number of times a door is kicked in (by Sam or Dean): 0
6. When is "Sam" a "Sammy" and other pressing name questions.
Number of times Dean says, "Sam."--4
1. "Well, gee Sam, is there anything else I should know?"
2. "Sam?" (waiting to see if Sam agrees with cutting out Nancy's heart
3. "What the hell is going on? Sam tell her!"
4. "Sam, I need to talk to you."
Number of times Dean says, "Sammy."--0
Number of times Sam says, "Dean."--3
1. "Dean, come on."
2. "And we're also talking about thirty people, out there, Dean."
3. "Then what? What do we do, Dean?"