1. Dude
Dean: 1
“Dude, look at this!”
Sam: 2
”Dude, you’re going 20.”
“Dude, where are you going? That was our hotel.”
2. "I've been everywhere, man."
Dean: 0
Sam: 0
Someone please tell me I counted wrong because - hello? No man this episode? NONE?
3. "Jerk." "Bitch."
Dean: 0
Sam: 0
Again, this can’t be right…
Honourable Mention
Hutchinson: “That green bitch was totally out to get him!”
4. Jinx.
No jinx
5. Fence-jumpin', Lock-pickin', Gun-shootin', and Door-kickin'.
Number of times a fence is jumped (by Sam, Dean, or both): 0
Number of times a lock is picked (by Sam or Dean): 0
Number of times a gun is fired (by Sam or Dean): 1
Sam fires at Luther
Number of times a door is kicked in (by Sam or Dean): 0
6. When is "Sam" a "Sammy" and other pressing name questions.
Number of times Dean says, "Sam." 6
”Sam, I'm not gonna make a left-hand turn into oncoming traffic, I'm not suicidal. Did I just say that? That was kinda weird.”
”Yeah, but Sam, we haven’t seen a ghost in weeks.”
”No, I mean, come on, Sam.”
“And that, Sam, that is exactly why our lives suck.”
“I mean, who wants this life, Sam?”
“Stay away from me, Sam.”
Number of times Dean says, "Sammy." 2
”I’m gonna die, Sammy.”
“Just the usual stuff, Sammy.”
Number of times Sam says, "Dean." 14 (.5)
”Dean, all we do is scare people.”
“Dean!” (Dean is coughing)
(“Dean…” - at the sink. I can’t really say if he says “Dean” or “hey”)
“You’re going in, Dean.”
“Dean! Calm down, deep breath, okay?”
“Dean, it won’t be that easy!”
“Woh, woh, woh, Dean.”
“Dean, where are you going?”
“I looked everywhere for you, Dean.”
“Downstairs, Dean. Hell!” (hallucination!Sam)
“No one’s possessing me, Dean.” (hallucination!Sam)
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Dean. Hey! Dean! Dean! Dean!” (real!Sam)
Honourable Mentions
Bobby: “Hi, Sam.”
“You sure, Dean?”
Hallucination!Lilith: “Hi, Dean!”
“Silly goose. You know why, Dean.”
As usual. Mistakes? Tell me!