Dudemeter for Episode 3x08: A Very Supernatural Christmas
1. Dude
Dean: 0 (Please, someone, tell me that I counted wrong! *cries*)
Sam: 1
Sam: "Dude, what's going on with you?"
2. "I've been everywhere, man."
Dean: 1
Sam: 0
Dean: Tell me you didn't smell that. That was candy, man."
3. "Jerk." "Bitch."
Dean: 2
Sam: 0
Dean: "Leave him alone, you son of a bitch!"
Dean: "God...Bitch!" (When Dean's getting sliced up. He owes a nickle to the swear jar!)
Honorary mention to Dean's "you fudgin' touch me again, I'll fudgin' kill you!" HA.
4. Jinx.
It's not speaking so much, but the...interpretive...Winchester caroling version of "Silent Night" was sung in unison. Kind of. ;)
5. Fence-jumpin', Lock-pickin', Gun-shootin', and Door-kickin'.
Number of times a fence is jumped (by Sam, Dean, or both): 0
Number of times a lock is picked (by Sam or Dean): 1
Number of times a gun is fired (by Sam or Dean): 0
Number of times a door is kicked in (by Sam or Dean): 0
Dean picks the lock to the Carrigan's house o' evil. (But a shoutout to Sam and Dean running into creepy!Santa's house...his door was unlocked, though, so no lock picking required.)
6. When is "Sam" a "Sammy" and other pressing name questions.
Dean calls Sam "Sam" 8 times, and "Sammy" 2 times.
[Breakdown: Present!Dean - 7, Wee!Dean - 3]
"Aww, come on, Sam!"
Dean: "Hey, Sam?" Sam: "Yeah?" Dean: "Why are you the boy that hates Christmas?"
Wee!Dean: "It's complicated, Sam."
"Sam!" (When Sam's getting choked.)
"Merry Christmas, Sam."
Wee!Dean: "Sam, wake up!"
Wee!Dean: "Thank you, Sam, I...I love it."
"Merry Christmas, Sam." (He says it again--this is when he gives Sam his present. :))
"Sammy? Sammy?" (when Sam's getting sliced up)
Sam calls Dean "Dean" 14 times.
[Breakdown: Present!Sam - 12, Wee!Sam - 2]
"Dean, those weren't exactly Hallmark memories for me, you know?"
Wee!Sam: "I'm old enough, Dean. You can tell me the truth."
"Think about it, Dean. If you smell like candy, the kids'll come closer, you know?"
"Thanks a lot, Dean. Thanks for that."
Dean: "Why are you the boy that hates Christmas?" Sam: "Dean..."
"Look, Dean, if you want to have Christmas, knock yourself out. Just...don't involve me."
"We've seen that wreath before, Dean."
"It's not as crazy as it sounds, Dean. I mean, pretty much every Christmas tradition is pagan."
"Hey, Dean." (When he spots the basement door in the Carrigan's house.)
"Dean? You okay?"
"Well, we need more evergreen, Dean."
Wee!Sam: "Dean, where'd you get all this stuff?"
"Great minds think alike, Dean."
"Hey, Dean?" *uber long dramatic pause with so much left unsaid* "Do you feel like watching the game?"
Lemme know if I missed anything! :)