[ sorry, dudes, but it's time to roll. i'm leaving, and i do NOT want to pick my replacement. i hate updating, because the lady never does anything, and i hate signing on, because i hate having to answer the question, "what's up?" because nothing is up because THE LADY NEVER DOES ANYTHING. i still adore the real amanda to death, and i still think she's adorable and stupid and wonderful, and if you'd like to follow her real-life adventures, her myspace is
thank you to howie and nic for being such superfabulous friends that i totally didn't even deserve since i was never ever ever around. also, thank you to rose for buying me nice things that, again, i really did not deserve. and thanks to lance for letting me live in your house! and thanks to kieran, just because. i can't imagine that anyone would want to stay in touch ooc or be added by my other journal (which is absolutely nothing like this wacko one), but leave a comment and i'll find you.
anyway, go buy the little mermaid when it comes out on dvd on tuesday. ]