Cheney's crowning acheivement during his (God forbid) eight-year run in the White House?:
Shooting his friend in the face.
It's kind of a metaphor for Dick's relationship with America, isn't it?
dominic: how fucking funny is it that dick cheney shot someone
dominic: god i nearly collapsed
cailin baire: it's hiLARious
dominic: its really too bad that guy didnt die
dominic: oh god
cailin baire: aw
dominic: oh lorddd i wish he had died
dominic: yeah i kind of feel like an ass saying that
dominic: but i mean
dominic: lets face it
dominic: hes a friend of cheneys
dominic: hes republican
dominic: hes hunting animals
cailin baire: he's an attorney!
dominic: yeah
cailin baire: and his millions should be distributed amongst the most destitute of Katrina victims
cailin baire: but he didn't die
cailin baire: maybe he still will
cailin baire: maybe something will go horribly wrong
cailin baire: like a rare infection of some sort
dominic: it just would have been perfect if he had died by cheney's hand
dominic: i like that they're downplaying it like crazy
dominic: 'oh hes doing perfectly we're really happy about his condition; its like he was sitting in our living room chatting with us!'
dominic: 'oh, he got peppered is all'
cailin baire: haha yeah
dominic: LOL
dominic: 'peppered'
cailin baire: hahha WITH BULLETS
dominic: with A SHOTGUN
dominic: hahahaha
cailin baire: hhahhaha
dominic: lol
dominic: god if only he had died
dominic: so many good things
dominic: oh god
dominic: and yahoo had a photo accompanying the article
dominic: of cheney accepting a rifle from the NRA
dominic: LOL
cailin baire: hahhahhahhah