Thanks to everyone who submitted a prompt (or several)!
It's time to think up some lovely Dudley prompts for other people to pick up and write (or draw, construct out of straws, hum through a paper and comb etc ....). If you want to leave some prompts then copy the text from the box below, paste it into a comment to this post and fill in the details. Comments will be screened this year, to maintain anonymity.
Almost anything goes, but don't forget to 'redeem' Dudley in somebody's eyes. This could mean that he has become self-aware and mended his ways off-screen, that he is redeemed in the eyes of the Wizarding World, that he makes up with Piers after a fight, that he disappoints and then pleases Petunia and Vernon-you name it! Dudley must be redeemed, but who regards his acts as redemptive is absolutely open. Don't worry about whether the Mods or the audience will agree that he is morally upright, so long as Dudley's a dynamic character who has bettered himself in somebody's eyes.
For more details on this year's guidelines
check out this post. Live Journal username: Fic/Art/Other/Any: Gen/Slash/Het/Any: Pairing(s) and/or Characters: Preferred Rating (if any): Prompt: Prompting Closes on the 10th July.
Remember, you can work on your own idea, in which case you don't need to tell us it now. Just pick the "own prompt" option when prompt claiming begins.
songquake and
Prompt claiming opens at noon GMT, 14th July.