Title: The Final Moment
masteroftroublePrompt: #43 - Harry didn't get a Hogwarts letter. Dudley did.
Pairing, or gen: Gen
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Some blood, BAMF Dudley, Boy-Who-Lived!Neville
Medium: Pencil/Marker
Summary/Excerpt: Voldemort split his forces that night -- he went to the Longbottom residence while other DE's went to the Potter's. James and Lily died, but Lily's blood magic accidentally turned Harry into a Squib, so he wasn't able to go to Hogwarts. Much to the surprise of the Dursley's, however, Dudley did.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all associated characters and settings remain the intellectual property of JK Rowling and her associates. We are very grateful for permission to play with them.
Author's or Artist's notes: Dudley's skin came out darker than intended (I actually got a scanner, so colors came out funkier than normal), but that's him and his BAMF self! It's not professional (oh god I wish I could), but I still had fun doing it!