Title: Thinking of you.
Artist: Didodikali/
#65 "Dudley brooding and naked. Or half-naked (either top off or T-shirt hanging loosely). Not sure if he is "redeemed" but he is definitely hot. And brooding. And naked. Simply making him hot redeems him!"
Pairing, or gen: Dudley's alone here.
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Largely naked! Yay!
Medium: Pencil.
Author's or Artist's notes: Well, Lobelia, I'm not sure if this is quite the type of Dudley you were hoping for, but he looks like he's feeling hot. I like to imagine that Dudley's just recently met some extraordinary member of the wizarding world and can't stop thinking about them. ;)
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all associated characters and settings remain the intellectual property of JK Rowling and her associates. We are very grateful for permission to play with them.