i've been obsessing over this website lately that's all about posting things that people find on the street, in abonded houses whateva. it's cool. anyways, it's a magazine too, but the website is neat.
i kinda started to see a therapist. im 19 now. i havent had sex in a really long time and its starting to get to me. these things will make you very hard to talk to, ya know? on edge is probably a good way to put it. i think i'd be pretty laid back if i could.... well... you know
meet: randy savage aka SAV
meet: taco
the funny thing about taco is that she always looks like that. i mean ALWAYS
seasons greetings!
i really like this picture
and this one too
and that one
love sick bus stop rap
this ones my personal favorite^
meet: david shade and brutacis
i like them both.