Our server is on irc.darkmyst.org, our channel is #duelacademy_r2. There are three different ways to connect to it.
A. Darkmyst
1) Go to
http://www.darkmyst.org/2) Click on Chat Now.
3) Type in your nickname of choice.
4) Type in #duelacademy_r2 for channel.
5) Press the Login button.
6) Chat!
B. Mibbit
1) Go to
http://www.mibbit.com/2) Click on Start chatting now>>
3) From IRC, pick "DarkMyst [webirc]"
4) Type in your nick name of choice.
5) Type in #duelacademy_r2 for channel.
6) Press the Go button.
7) Chat!
1) Go to
http://www.mirc.com2) Click on Download mIRC.
3) Click on Download mIRC, again. (It should be in the middle now)
4) Press Download Now.
5) Save the file onto your computer
6) Install mirc635.exe
7) Open mirc.exe
8) Go to View -> Options or click the button that's second-to-left on the button menu bar.
9) Fill in your nickname you want to use, an alternate nickname (or just use the same nickname), your email address, and your "real name" (in which you can just put anything you want).
10) Click the button that has a little red and yellow burst on it to go to the server screen. Once there, click the "Add" button to add a new server to the list.
11) Type in the following details:
Description: Darkmyst
IRC Server: irc.darkmyst.org
Port(s): 6667 (leave it alone, basically)
Group: Darkmyst (or leave it blank if you want, but if you want to use autojoin, then type something in)
Password: (Leave it blank)
12) Click the "Connect To Server" button and off you go!
Some nifty commands to use while in the chat:
/join #channel: Joins a new channel. If you're using java or don't have #duelacademy on autojoin, then you'll need to type this once you're connected.
/part (message): Leaves the current channel you're viewing, with an optional message.
/quit (message): Quits IRC, again with an optional message.
/hop: Parts and joins the channel again.
/nick (nickname): Changes your name.
/me (message): Does an action in the chat.
And... that's about it for the chat, I think. So join up please!