1. It's just a game. Have fun with it. Do not assume malice for what ignorance can explain.
2. You may appeal to mods concerning decisions or apps-- reviewing or otherwise, but please do not continue to badger or complain after the fact.
3. Please do the following: take all minor complaints to PM with a mod; take all arguments to PM or to the #da_talkroom with the opposing party; and please, do not drag out fights in the main room. If you want respect to be had, then treat others with respect, as well.
Furthermore, any major and formal complaints are to now be sent to the following e-mail account:
4. Gracefully remove your characters from plots or situations that you may no longer wish to continue with, and please discuss with others in the plots on how to do so-- do not drop and expect others to create an excuse for you, instead.
5. There is a 1 month interaction requirement for major canon characters. If you wish to continue playing as them, you must show to be active.
6. Do not hold the room or the RP ransom for personal reasons. Do not intimidate players such that they feel they have to comply with your wishes.
7. You are required to ask for permission from other players, regarding actions that affect the location of the game, the game itself, or the characters involved. Things to ask about involve anything that might harm a character, or invade on their privacy, and alter the location or mechanics of the game.
8. Punishments shall be dealt depending on the situation that has arisen. General basis is, at this moment:
I. Disruption and refusal to move arguments will result in temporary de-voicing in the main room.
II. Continued disruptions and minor offenses will result in mod intervention.
III. Mid-point offenses will result in the removal of privileges, varying from apping, plot-running, and card creation.
IV. Higher and repeated offenses may result in temporary banning. Time starts from 2 hours.
V. Maximum offenses will vary from removal of characters or currently-used CACs, to permanent banning from the game, depending on severity.
It should be noted that all of these punishments are guidelines-- they will vary depending upon the person.
9. If you are using Anime-only, Manga-only, Video Game-only, or custom cards (CACs), you are required to have a post on the character in question's journal, date-out-of-ordered to be at the top of the character's journal. The cards must be approved by at least two card approvers before usage in duels. Remember to link other players to this post when you duel with a deck using these cards, for their reference. Make doubly sure that custom, manga, video game, and anime cards are completely approved before using them in duels.
If you wish to use other player's CACs, you can ask them. They, ultimately, get to choose. You cannot edit manga/anime/video game only cards. If you wish to change those cards, you must make them CACs, completely with a different name.
10. After current standing plots have finished, no one shall be allowed to run any plots in which the main motive and main method of the villain is to bend the wills and minds of others. (I.E.: Brainwashing Plots, Cult Plots, ect.)
11. Any pornographic scenes of any relative level, even for plot purposes, must be done in either a private room, or in a PM. If there is interest to see what happened, link a log, if necessary.
A. It is requested that you add at least your character's full name, age/year, and a possible description to their user-info, for convenience for other players, as well as for reference for yourself.
B. Applications can and will be rejected for multiple reasons-- however, you will be given multiple chances to revise your application. Your first chance being when you first app, the second being with revisions through suggestions by the mods, and the third being with you going over the app with a beta, at your own discretion.
However, in the case of canon characters, you will only have one week to post your revisions-- after that, the character will be open to be apped by anyone. In either case, you are welcome to ask the mods for clarification on reasons for rejection.
C. If you can not write out a description for a character, you may use artwork that has at least 50% of the character in it, from the head-down.
D. We have posted rarities with the IC banlist, so only cards that are unique there are off limits, however you are asked to consider rarities when building a deck for your character, with their ability to acquire such rare cards in mind; such as wealth, winning tournaments, and unnatural luck-- which should be run past mods unless in the app.
E. Please limit the number of spirits your MF or OC characters may have. Ideally, IF your character has spirits, there should be only one or two, or a particular set of monsters (Ojamas, Charmers, V to Z, etc.). It is asked, however, that you have a REASON for your characters to have their spirits, either for characterization or eventual plots.
If you decide to give your character a spirit, you must at least gain the approval of active mods, but only if it's in the case of this being after the initial application.
However, mods may reject the spirits if they are high-level-- i.e, over LV4, or have an incredibly strong effect, or are considered to be "evil" by in-game circumstances. Characters having such spirits must be done with incredibly good reasoning.