[App Post the 17th]

Jan 23, 2010 20:38

Please fill out the following application, though, and then wait for two Approvals or Rejections. Once you gain two approvals, make your journal, join the community proper, and then post!

Important Notes: The first application is not the application you copy-paste and fill out. It is only there for reference and notes concerning the sections.

And remember, you can only post one app once every seven days, unless if you get specific clearance from the mods to post more than one for plot reasons.

http://www.miniworld.com/adnd/100ThingsAboutUrPCBackGround.html <- Use this for supplementary information. (Optional)

Player Information (for newcomers):
Contact information:
Previous RPG history:
Character Information:

Multi-fandom Specials:

Series: (What is the series they are from?)
Adapted or Crossover: (Were they adapted to fit the world, or are they a straight port?)

Name: (Self Explanatory)
Age: (See above. Include birthday if you like.)
Gender: (Male, female, or other.)
Occupation: (Are they a student? Where? What year and dorm are they? What clubs are they in? Otherwise, how do they make a living?)
Duel Information: (What kind of deck do they run? What style do they use? If it's an odd decktype or duel style, please give a short description of what it entails.)
PB and/or Description: (Either give the name and series of your PB, or give a description of at least three sentences. Try to provide a picture in both cases. If they have any uniform modifications or strange clothing, describe it here.)
Personality: (Self-explanatory. At least 150 words.)
History: (Where are they from? Why are they where they are? What was their childhood like? Please put some thought into this. At least 200 words.)
Abilities: (What can they do? Include anything from supernatural awesomeness to playing the piano. Everything goes here.)

Only fill out the next section if your character has a Duel Spirit.

Duel Spirit: (Species, card name.)
Name: (Optional, what do they go by?)
Personality: (What is their spirit's personality? What do they do? What are their hobbies?)
History: (What has the spirit been through/done? MUST INCLUDE WHY THEY ARE WITH THIS PERSON.)
Abilities: (Not just card effects. Everything the spirit can do.)

Why is your character here? (Optional, but please, put some thought into it.)

Player Information:
Contact information:
Previous RPG history:

Character Information:

Multi-fandom Specials:
Adapted or Crossover:

Duel Information:
PB and/or Description:

Duel Spirit:

Why is your character here?:

app, ooc

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