star kingdom → relationships
♠ : Hate
♠ : Dislike
♠ : Acquaintance
♠ : Friend
♠ : Best Friend
♠ : Love/Family
Cecil Harvey ♠
[ proteusmoon ] → Final Fantasy IV
"Seems like a pretty quiet and reserved guy, but Zell doesn't mind. Both eager to forget about that embarrassing song & dance number during the musical event where they met, they began talking while Cecil searched for a friend of his. Zell offered to keep an eye out for him.
Chloé ♠
[ executionerrose ] → Weiss Side B
"Happened upon Zell during the musical event, while he was singing Crazy Train. He doesn't have much of an opinion of Chloé yet.
Ciel Phantomhive ♠
[ no_souls_here ] → Kuroshitsuji
"Ah, Zell hates this kid with a fiery passion. When they met, they immediately started growling and hissing at each other pretty much. He thinks Ciel is a pretentious, self-righteous brat.
Elizabeth Middleford ♠
[ toseehimsmile ] → Kuroshitsuji
"They haven't spoken much, but Zell does think she's a little too fixated on things being 'cute'. He also recently found out that she's engaged to Ciel (and it baffles the hell out of him). It just makes him hate that brat even more, knowing he treats his own fiancee like crap.
Hades ♠
[ we_schmooze ] → Disney's Hercules
"Zell thinks Hades is a real slimeball and doesn't trust him at all. Guy seems like he always has something up his sleeve-- but that didn't stop him from signing up for the Hades Cup.
Holly J Sinclair ♠
[ notahonda ] → Degrassi
"This chick just might be crankier than Squall. Then again... Zell did trip over her and proceed to accidentally cover her in sand when they met. They seem to both go to school at Destiny Islands Academy, but he doesn't care much to get to know her.
Joluk Hergal ♠
[ filchedfruit ] → Otoyomegatari
"They work on Land of Dragons together, though with two very different jobs. Zell stuck up for him when he was being bullied by some of the soldiers who thought he was a Hun spy, but beyond that, they haven't spoken much.
Leon ♠? ...♠?
[ kingdoms_ace ] → Kingdom Hearts
"This guy looks exactly like Squall (give or take some muscles and longer hair) and that endlessly confuses Zell. He's pretty upset that Leon doesn't seem to be his Squall and that he doesn't remember him, but he's being extremely persistent about befriending him regardless. He's promised to join the Restoration Committee after he quits school.
Lilisette ♠
[ futurefab ] → Final Fantasy XI
"One of the very first people Zell met when he first showed up in Star Kingdom, Lilisette quickly became one of his best friends. Although they live on different worlds, they speak frequently and visit one another whenever they can. He finds her and her world endlessly fascinating and is constantly asking her questions as a result. She also confided in him about Lilith and he wants to do everything in his power to make sure she overcomes that darkness.
Mrs. Brisby ♠
[ mrsbrisby ] → Secret of NIMH
"just met her; wip
Quistis Trepe ♠
[ ultrawaves ] → Final Fantasy VIII
"A close friend of Zell's from his world. He's been showing her the ropes on how Star Kingdom works and all the details a Know-It-All like him should have. He's not sure what she intends to do while she's there, but he wants to try and keep all his friends in one place!
Rinoa Heartilly ♠
[ wingless_heart ] → Final Fantasy VIII
"Another close friend from his world. They're going to the Destiny Islands Academy together and Zell fully intends to enlist her help when it comes to harassing Leon.
Selphie ♠
[ _booyaka ] → Kingdom Hearts
"At first, Zell mistook her for the Selphie from his world and was pretty bummed when he found out she wasn't. Nevertheless, they became friends and go to Destiny Islands Academy together.
Setsuna Meioh (Pluto) ♠
[ abracadabrapon ] → Sailor Moon
"Unconcious in the middle of Traverse Town, Zell carried her to the hotel out of concern, where they spoke a while. Later, she ended up teaching at Destiny Islands Academy as a physics professor; he takes her class. He's also fairly suspicious of her, as he finds her very mysterious and thinks it's odd that she seems to be turning in rather humongous bags of rewards that Heartless drop when defeated that hunters allegedly "left behind".
Sora ♠
[ wanderstheskies ] → Kingdom Hearts
"One of the residents of Destiny Islands that Zell spoke to over the communication device. He seems really nice and upbeat, a refreshing change of pace after being surrounded in downtrodden and depressed-looking newcomers.
Tidus ♠
[ blitz_acing ] → Final Fantasy X
"They first met during the musical goings-on, but later ended up attending the academy at Destiny Islands together. Zell took an immediate liking to him and wants very much to learn Blitzball from the guy.
Yuffie ♠
[ badass_shuriken ] → Kingdom Hearts
"just met her; wip
Yuiko Hawatari ♠
[ pinkhairedkitty ] → Loveless
"A young girl with pink hair and cat ears. While that surprised him when they first met in Traverse Town, he later ended up comforting her about her worries over standing out at Destiny Islands Academy. He told her that being unique and standing out is a good thing and she should be proud of who she is. He tries to look out for her when he can.
Zack Fair ♠
[ soldierboy777 ] → Final Fantasy VII
"just met him; wip
codes by
yuanru new addition;
|" border="5">NAME ♠ [ username ] → fandom
"But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. |