Looking for:
-Toy Firearms
Also wondering who is interested in filming something tonight, no not pr0n.
Want to try at least the first scene of the thriller short, and alas, I don't know who is playing what role.
Well, I may as well post this then.
Principle Cast:
Don Young - Professional 'Volunteer', Spy and espianoge expert for hire.
Dr. Vanderpool - Evil Villain, owns a large biomedical company.
Fierce Macintosh - Loyal to Vanderpool, a thug.
Ivanna Hafsechs - Vanderpool's mistress.
Hearts of Gold
A dark BMW slowly climbs up the ramps of a parking garage. It circles up a few levels and finally slows down as it nears a parked car. As it parks nearby, a man, FIERCE MACINTOSH, steps out of the original parked car. He holds a briefcase. Then, DON YOUNG steps out of his car, also carrying a briefcase. The two meet between both cars.
You brought the right amount, no?
Of course I did.
Good. Now let me see it.
Don puts his briefcase on the hood of his car and opens it.
See? It's all there.
Fierce looks through the briefcase. He then looks up at Don
You are a brave man, my friend. Now, we
make the trade.
Tell Mr. Vanderpool that his little game is
now over.
Ah yes. Well, he told me to let you know
He pulls out a gun and pistol whips him.
You think you can just pay us off, eh? We
always win. You hear that Mr. Young?
He kicks Don in the stomach.
Now I'm gonna take your money and your
precious keepsake back to Mr. Vanderpool.
And if you want it back... he is waiting for
ya. Au'revoir Mr. Young.
He takes both briefcases and gets into his car, and then screetches off. Don lies there for a moment.
C'mon sonofabitch, get up.
He stands. His face is bloody.
Don't worry Fierce. I know where to find
He gets into his car and drives off.
I know everyone is playing Gunbound. So yeah, let me know!