Title: Paranormal 101: How to Succeed in Ghost Hunting Without Really Trying Author name: dugindeep Artist name: tiggeratl1 Fandom: CWRPS Genre: slash Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Word count: 40,000 Warnings/Spoilers: [Spoiler (click to open)]scenes detailing ghost hauntings and non-graphic references to the tragic events that caused them (violence, murder, suicide, sexual assault)
Summary: There are currently 19 paranormal TV shows broadcast across the world, and the Paranormal National Investigators of the Supernatural are no different. Led by Jensen Ackles, the show is a staple on the Travel Channel and of Jared’s TV (and masturbatory) habits. When there’s an opening in the crew, Jared jumps for the chance to join his ghost-hunting heroes. It’s not an easy transition into the cocky gang of paranormal experts, but Jared manages to find his way, and prove what he’s believed all along: ghosts are real. Written for rpf_big_bang.
Notes: Inspired by The Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures. All locations that are featured as ‘filmings’ in this story are real, as expressed on the internet (and you know everything is true here ;-)). I’ve made some loose assumptions on reasons for supposed hauntings, created original characters related to these places, and imagined my own internal layouts and egresses and such, but the backgrounds on these stories are based on other’s accounts on various ‘haunted places in X’ web sites.
First thanks to primreceded for running the challenge! I’m glad I could find a great, easy going place to get my story out.
Second to tiggeratl1 for choosing me and my story to work on! You are a sweetheart, such a quick worker, and have great creativity with the web site. I had a grand time laughing over the excellent copy and am excited at how well the artwork/web site fit with these guys and this story. Thank you so much, darling!
Finally thanks to many, many other people who listened to me talk about it for the last year or so, had any glance at it and offered help, or just cheered me on. I wrote the opening lines to this fic on October 19, 2011, when I first got sucked into watching the obnoxious dudebros on The Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures. At the time I had even grander ideas than what happens here, but I got swept up in other things and may or may not have mentally shelved those ideas for a sequel (shh!). I think along the way raeschae, one_2_3_4, matalinolukaret, and tebtosca have all had an eye on some scene or another and kept pushing me forward. Finally, I fought through other deadlines, writing anxiety, writer’s block, and travelling to Dragon*Con, where I had spotty internet at the hotel (sob) to finally cobble something together and smack an ending onto this mother with breakinporcelan literally sitting beside me and giving me the story title :D!
Somewhere along the way, I had enlisted riyku to beta (I don’t remember how, and wish I could figure out how I was so lucky!). Thank you, sweetheart, so much thank you for hanging with my crazy story and all the fits and starts. Thank you so much for your lovely encouragement, tweaks to my wayward sentences, and consulting with neighborhoods and portrayals of certain pieces in this story. And mostly, thank your time to ever take one look at this last year and then becoming a great sounding board and friend! ♥