Title: In Your Honor
(song)Words: 21500
Rating/Warning: language, off-screen character death and injury, sci-fi/horror fight scenes
Summary: Jensen walked away from the Pan Pacific Defense Corps when it was at the height of its legacy. Five years later, the Kaijus are still a threat and the jaegers are still losing. But one last-ditch effort to save the world brings Jensen face to face with his two greatest loves: Chevy Violet, the machine that's kept him safe for half his life, and Jared Padalecki, the new Commander who's not ready to let Jensen back in.
Notes: Written for
spn_cinema for the film
Pacific Rim. Song from the Foo Fighters (of course). Huge thanks to a whole host of folks, including
souslelys, and
zubeneschamali for a long list of helps - early readings, sprinting, discussions, etc. and big, big thanks for the last-minute beta to
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