Thank you Tumblr, for alerting me that the new episode of Doctor Who was online. Because Doctor Who has become the mental equivalent of a soft couch, a blanket, a warm cup of tea and a sleeping cat: pure comfort. Which is why i've been gorging myself on Who recently (and posing weird shit about on tumblr)
I really can't say anything coherent besides i squeed the entire time and i need to do a rewatch BUT this episode is all kinds of amazing.
I was pretty sure i was about to start crying halfway through and then I didn't and then everything was made of goodness and light and a wedding i didn't want to vomit about. Look, a practical use for the bowtie! Cuteness!
And everyone was BAMF and looked good and Amy and River had some bonding time (and hilariously enough, for a short time matching outfits). And steampunk dinosaur history rocked. And the ending! HOW WILL I WAIT A WHOLE YEAR?
Offtopic is anyone else concerned that amy will, oh i donno, have early onset alzheimer's for remembering three alternative histories of the universe?