Paris is magnificent.
I kind of don't want to come back.
I live in Montmartre with an older couple that are so hospitable and funny and pleasant.
You wouldn't believe how many beautiful movie theatres there are here, how many great revivals they do, and how many people show up to the screenings.
Here are the movies I've seen in theatres since I've been here:
The Cinemathèque is the most wonderful place in the world.
I wasn't planning on bringing any DVDs with me, but at the last second slipped Masculin Feminin into my bag, and I'm terribly thankful for it.
My internship the second half of the semester will be with Cinémarket Productions, a small production company that's located in a big building full of other little production and post-production companies. It seems like it will be a really fun place to work, and I'll get a lot of experience in the business side of moviemaking, about which I know next to nothing.
I do miss people, but not America.