Name: Jenn
Age: 23
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Favorite things&why: Hanging out w/my friends, chattin on the computer. I just like to have fun, damnit!
Least favorite things&why: Being completely bored off my ass because it sux!!
Favoritemovie&why: At this point, 2 Fast 2 Furious cuz it just gets my adrenaline going :)
Do you read? If so, what are your favorite books?: My favorite book is The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Very good book.
Who, in your opinion is OBVIOUSLY duhsex?: Anyone who doesn't try to be someone they're not. Being yourself is obviously duhsex!
Give us a clever idea, phrase or way to promote: Get up and strut your duhsex!
Tell us a few interesting facts about yourself: I have 2 tattoos (chinese symbol for determination on my lower back and celtic knot on my left hip), I graduated college to become a Massage Therapist.
Give us your opinions on two controversial topics close to your heart: Well, I can only think of one at this point and that is same sex marriages. They are just the same as any other marriage and I feel that it is wrong to judge someone just by who they sleep w/at night. Gays and lesbians are just the same as everyone else so I don't understand why they have to be treated w/such negativity.
And finally, why should we vote yes?: I feel that I have a certain uniqueness (sp?) to myself, I do not bash or harass others. I'm just an all around good person :)