IMDb Movie Meme (I've done this before)

Feb 14, 2007 13:04

"It's a list of IMDB's Top Ranked Movies, you put an X beside the one's you've seen. At the end of each "section", give the total of how many X's you have so far.

Best you can do is 250!"

(X) The Godfather ( Read more... )

movies, memes

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Comments 7

oreofuchi February 15 2007, 02:53:19 UTC
I saw a movie that you didn't.


dukewhite February 15 2007, 03:57:14 UTC


oreofuchi February 15 2007, 11:03:39 UTC
the grapes of wrath


dukewhite February 15 2007, 15:22:36 UTC
It's one of the few big John Ford movies I've yet to see. I recorded it off Turner Classic Movies, but haven't ever gotten around to watching it. What did you think?


thedeuce February 15 2007, 03:39:44 UTC
Holy crap, you haven't seen Pan's Labyrinth yet???? What's the hold up?


dukewhite February 15 2007, 03:59:11 UTC
I have a DVD screener of it sitting on my coffee table. It's on the agenda for this weekend. Money's been tight so I've been working a lot, and watching as many of the other Oscar movies as I can online (still need English subs for Iwo Jima, have everything else) and waiting on the ones on DVD. You'll know when I see it.


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