Previously on Lost... that shit is so long and unless you've watched the episode there's spoilers below =P
So last night we find out that Jack is a total dilf has a son. Like I've said in my earlier Lost post, Father-Son issues is a biggie on Lost. Jack, Locke and Sawyer had theirs, Michael and Walt were working out theirs when they got interrupted, Kate simply got rid of her stepdad &through a copy of
Kierkegaard's Fear & Trembling they feature a
Abraham and Isaac reference.
Mark Pellegrino's character Jacob is quite the
Patriarch of the island. Always knowing what's best as he searches for the next Island Idol, with Ryan Seacrest as the host. Jacob watches over all of them, yet he seems so distant.. mainly because he's such a stalker watching them all through this creepy old lighthouse thingie that might or might not be in the other timeline. I wouldn't be surprised if my baby daddy Smokey is Jacob's son trying to commit
Patricide and take over as the island ruler.
I'm -pretty- sure everyone's either heard of Field of Dreams or has read it, if you have then you know that the best way to resolve issues between father/son is through baseball. In one of the scenes Jack talks about his Red Sox by setting up a way the kid can watch it in his room (even tho in a later scene we see lil' Davey wearing a Dodgers cap). I guess since, in Jack's timeline, it's late Sept '04 and the Red Sox haven't won the World Series in 86 years. But I guess what everyone wants to know is... who's David's mom? Jack goes to her house but we really don't get any solid clues. David looks to be around 15-16, which means he was born back in the '80s/90's, he also has blue eyes but that gene is recessive, for those who have taken Physical Anthropology. I get a headache worse than what geese give me when I try to comprehend these temporal complexities. David reminds me of Daniel with his pianistic skillz! *disappears*
We all know that the shows creator's were influenced by Myst the video game but I have to say that the show shares a lot more than just aesthetics with Myst. In the game, you explore the present day island and solve puzzles which then enable you to travel to the "Ages of Myst" (time travel). Through your explorations of the different ages of the island, you learn about the two imprisoned brothers, Sirrus and Achenar (Jacob and Esau possibly?), who each ruled the island in different ages and who both want to be set free more than anything. Ultimately, you must choose which brother to free, or choose to leave them both imprisoned forever (choices again, a main theme of the show).Of course, the correct choice is to leave them both imprisoned, because they're both evil. /nerd moment over for now.
So, in the scene where Hurley and Jack enter the lighthouse and start moving the weird compass with names thingie-mabob to reveal something.
tried blowing it up as much as I could without losing pixels, sorry
Anywho, as Hurley began pulling on the chain and the thing started moving we learn that the numbers etched/written by a certain number reveal a faraway realm, Jack's(23) for example reveals his childhood home. Let's say I was trying to get answers, then let's say I found this lighthouse with a magical mirror that let's me see into other realms. Personally, I would spend as much time as I could trying to learn all I possibly could from the contraption. Not our Jack, no sir, what's he do? Grabs a telescope and smashes it to bits. Is this the reason Jacob said he has what it takes? *shrugs* Now I'll never know what Jack looked like during his teen years.
There's a lot more stuff in this episode though, what would Jack and Hurley have seen if they actually kept going to 108? Why was the Samurai from the temple at the piano recital hugging some boy? (Well this one could be that something has happened to change the past because how else would Jack's appendage be taken out when he was younger.. and he not remember it?) Also, is Claire dating Smokey? *iz jealous* And.. what the HELL was up with the thing that Claire had in the bassinet? I would like a screenshot of that, if anyone would be a dear. *gives puppy dog eyes*
Oh oh oh! I also have to add... is anyone else worried about what's going to happen to Miles when the "thing" shows up at the temple? He was left there along with Sayid after Hurley took Jack away.
So by now I have way more questions than answers to what they've given us so far and their promos keep lying to me. Every time they show a promo they say, "answers to questions will finally be revealed." BS! I get way more questions than I can count! Apparently, I was told that the 6th episode will give us a lot more answers so I'll be waiting patiently for the next couple of days until Lost returns. To pass the time here are some more key points/theories/questions to read and think about:
In my previous post I mentioned that Ben/Widmore had a set of rules. Before the events of LA X, Ben doesn't appear to know anything about MIB, he didnt even know he existed! Of course he knew about Smokey and how to summon him but his question to Flocke, "What are you?" shows his ignorance for Smokey's "take-his-body" ways. So if Ben has no idea that Jacob has a nemesis, how can the rules that Ben and Widmore discussed in S4 have anything to do with the rules that creepy jungle boy reminds Flocke of in 'The Substitute'? But then.. Ben wouldn't need to know Esau' human form in order for his and Widmore' relationship to reflect that of Esau and Jacob. Widmore could be on Esau' side and Ben wouldn't know about it, Richard could've told him the rules or it could also be that Widmore/Ben didn't know about Esau but came to the rules on their own through a series of events or situations. There's a reason that the writers have echoed this idea in both relationships and I think it has to do with the fact that Ben/Widmore, Jacob/Esau are neither good or evil but are perceived by not only each other but by the way their followers look at them. There's a Ying/Yang aspect to the dyads and it makes me wonder if Jack/Flocke will end up in a similar balance, at this point it looks like Sawyer/Sayid are headed down that road because of their past altercations.
Adding to the numbers theory; Kwon is last on the list, but we're not sure if it's going to be Jin, Sun or even their baby that was left with the grandma. Also, with the numbers thing I totally didn't realize it before and I'm about to spastically post this on FanForum but is it a coincidence that 4+8+15+16+23+42 = 108? (Anyone else get a Captain Planet vibe from that just now? You know, "With our numbers combined I am..." Just me? Moving on...) Maybe this is what Jacob was getting at, that all the names that correspond to those numbers somehow have to work together? Well we know Locke is out of the picture and if anyone has read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, we know that the number that will -survive- is #42, the answer to life, mysteries and everything else, or in this case Kwon (I won't mention how their 'centric' episode is titled The Package). Oh oh oh also, I have to watch the episode again but the house Jack walked into, his baby mama's house, the number on it I swear I thought it said 23, just throwing that out there.
Going back to previous Lost seasons, aside from Claire's baby being special and 'needing' to be raised by her hand and no one else' how come Walt is making a come back? Aside from the obvious being grown up and not looking like he did when S1 first aired, but the writers need to answer why "the boy is special" came up and now it seems as though its been dropped entirely. Where's the link to that damn TV Guide questions thing! Totally not trying to be racist in these next few lines but is it a coincidence that.. actually I'll leave it out because I dont want to sound racist. Which I'm not. So moving on Walt was labeled as "very special" by the others, and Claire was warned repeatedly that Aaron must be raised by the original timeline he isn't but in the LAX timeline it looks like he may be. <= answer now writers or be doomed to a life on Shutter Island.
It has been brought to my attention, by a source on MSN chat that will remain unnamed, that 108 had the name Wallace next to it. Now unless we know anyone who's last name happens to be Wallace, other than the guy on Veronica Mars who was her BFF, there is no Wallace, right? I've noticed that a lot of the plot for the show hinges on the characters making rash, self-defeating decisions. No matter what Jack does it's been the wrong thing so far, yes I love Jack nothing will change that. Ever. Especially after he was checking out his scar in last nights episode. *swoons*
I have to make one thing clear shipper status aside...
Kate & Jack are central to this show -- as is their relationship.
I'm pretty sure I'll have more to say as I rewatch this episode but for now this is all I can come up with.