FUCK YOU. fuck YOU, okay?
you piss me off with your lies and your ignorance. do you ignore every single thing s/he does? do you BELIEVE every thing he does? it doesn't happen beacuse shit does, it happens because you make it. and it makes me so ANGRY. and it hurts me, it hurts me, it hurts me. things were so right and you made them wrong. and they didn't get messed up because there were problems, because there weren't problems until the truth came out, that's when the problems started, that. that. THAT. so i'm blaming it on you, even though it's NOT right and it's NOT fair. but i am because i've been through this before and it makes me fucking SICK. and it hurt me, it fucked me up and you knew it, you all did. so fuck it, fuck you, fuck this. i can't even look at you with a straight face anymore.
i stepped on a rusted nail today. it felt better than this.