
Dec 22, 2005 23:28

Wow I haven't actually typed anything in here in months. Well the year is pretty much over, it went by so fucking fast, probably because it was the busiest (is that how you spell that? it looks weird.) year of my life. The begining of the year me and Sean started this fucking movie 'Lenny Gratto:Son of a Lumberjack" and we are STILL working on it!  ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

razorbladekiss7 December 23 2005, 16:07:43 UTC
sounds like a really fun, but busy year
mine wasnt nearly as busy
in fact i think i might be becoming a bum

but yeah, you should get a girlfriend!
for awhile i was having so much fun without a boyfriend
going to shows, paryting, ect. ect.
and then he came along
and now i am really enjoying things
so yeah, go for it! get a girlfriend!


punkrockshorty December 23 2005, 18:45:56 UTC
Glen - Usually I see rambling entries and say "fuck that" and continue to scroll. However, the other day I was driving back to campus and I heard Green Day. Like usual, I think of becasue you're obsessed and how cool it is that you actually played with them. I tell anyone that brings up Green Day your story. Creepy right?.. ANYWAYS, I read your long ass entry.
I'm glad to hear that you're doing well and keeping so busy. I always check up on that movie of yours on MySpace. I kind of can't fucking wait to see it.
Good luck with 2006 and the band and the movie and finding a girlfriend (even though we all know none will compare to the relationship that you and I had HAHA).


punkrockshorty December 24 2005, 03:00:21 UTC
holy shit dude haha congrats on graduating and everything else you did hahaha see ya <3


blueskyblack December 24 2005, 03:02:14 UTC
sorry court that was me my god damn computer is doing shitty things but the comment was for glenn haha oh well. ha


thats_cool December 24 2005, 15:37:23 UTC
haha dude, fucking Gwar, i was talkin about that show yesterday....
it was fuckin awesome


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