Title: Whole Lotta Love with Adam Lambert - The Mic Stand Tells It All Artist: dun Fandom: American Idol Rating: G, gen Characters: mic stand, chibi!Adam Notes: Apologies for the flared trousers, I don’t know how that happened…
I guess putting a signature on my art is the sensible thing to do, I’ll definitely look into it. I’ve just never done it before, even with traditional ‘paper’ art - and because I’ve only been posting here on lj, I always felt that not too many people see my art. Lj feels so private. Sorry for the stupid question, but what do you mean ‘tagging’?
Whoa, that was fast! I didn't know about your art already posted elsewhere, but the thought to comment came to me because I downloaded the art for myself. I seriously doubt that the "Mr. L" already misplaced the author info unintentionally, unless someone send them to him by email.
By "tag" I meant the creative commons license (http://creativecommons.org/license/) as a water mark in somewhere in the picture, but I think that a discreet lj-address or email is as good. Then people would not only to be able to find you but you could also easily see if the author info would be intentionally removed.
Thanks so much for the info! And yes, whoa, indeed! o.O I’ve seen my pics in several places now with the ‘I don’t know who did these’ description (and they are all probably from the Mr. L site, as the same two images are scrunched out of proportion…).
I knew about the water mark, in theory, but I’ll take a more proactive approach to this issue now. …At least if I do more Adam art ;). Thanks again for the link! :)
Wow! thank you! Once I got started I just couldn’t stop and perhaps went a bit overboard with the detail. But the JACKET made me do it. I swear ;) - If Adam does see them, I do hope he finds them funny and not too weird! :)
Comments 57
I guess putting a signature on my art is the sensible thing to do, I’ll definitely look into it. I’ve just never done it before, even with traditional ‘paper’ art - and because I’ve only been posting here on lj, I always felt that not too many people see my art. Lj feels so private. Sorry for the stupid question, but what do you mean ‘tagging’?
- Oh, and I’m so happy you liked the art! :)
By "tag" I meant the creative commons license (http://creativecommons.org/license/) as a water mark in somewhere in the picture, but I think that a discreet lj-address or email is as good. Then people would not only to be able to find you but you could also easily see if the author info would be intentionally removed.
I knew about the water mark, in theory, but I’ll take a more proactive approach to this issue now. …At least if I do more Adam art ;). Thanks again for the link! :)
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And the mic melting is making me LOL.
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