
Art Masterpost - spn_J2_bigbang 2021 - Bish, Bash, Bosh

Jun 13, 2021 20:20

Challenge: spn_j2_bigbang
Title: Bish, Bash, Bosh
Author: blackrabbit42
Art: dun
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: Art G (story NC-17)

Story summary:
Jensen is the Owner and Executive Chef at Laurel, an upscale restaurant in a quaint New England Town. Jared is a business school drop-out who inherits a food truck, names it Bish, Bash, Bosh, and starts selling the only thing he ( Read more... )

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Comments 53

blackrabbit42 June 14 2021, 17:47:34 UTC
If you could only see my smile every time I look at these!! They make me so happy. I've returned to them again and again over the past week, and I'm just astounded how you captured everything so precisely as I had it in my head.

All artists seem like magicians to me, but I keep returning to the four expressions on these men's faces and each of them makes me feel exactly how I wanted to write them. Even the little donkeys have the right attitude.

Thank you so much for this incredible gift! It's been such a delight having you for a partner.



dun June 14 2021, 19:02:09 UTC
Thank *you*, it's been great to do the art for you amazing story! I've loved every hectic moment! (ok, perhaps not when it got too hectic ;)


beelikej June 14 2021, 18:13:13 UTC
What an awesome artset! The storybanner immediately sets the scene; I love Jared's foodtruck and Jensen's whole posture screams WTF, haha:-D The black and white drawings are all delightful, I'm curious about the donkeys now, they look so FLUFFY.
I also really REALLY adore the sketches, Mark S and JDM's faces made me bounce with glee. Definitely got me in the mood for the fic <3<3<3


dun June 14 2021, 20:20:29 UTC
Thank you so much, I am super glad to hear they inspire reading urges; it's such a great story. Also, I am very much looking forward to your art (tomorrow?)!


cassiopeia7 June 14 2021, 21:06:04 UTC
Fabulous art! ❤️❤️❤️ I’m particularly fond of the banner, the pencil piece of Jensen, and alllll those adorable donkeys. Brava!


dun June 15 2021, 17:28:17 UTC
Thanks so much! It was a very inspiring story to make the art for and the donkeys were particularly fun to do :D


amberdreams June 14 2021, 21:18:57 UTC
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Incoherent squealing is happening right now. I was so delighted to see you'd claimed Jen's fic because I knew you'd do something fabulous and YOU HAVE.
I just love everything here to DEATH. Master chef Jensen and his perfect expression, Jared's wistful worried look on his opening day, those utterly adorable wee donkeys!!!

Edited to add - I nearly forgot to say the colours in the banner are lovely. Especially that warm brick for the background buildings.

You may not art here that often, but when you do it's always such a joy.


dun June 15 2021, 17:28:59 UTC
Thank you (and the feeling is very much mutual - your art is something I look forward to, always). I’m particularly happy you liked the pics of Jensen and Jared, because expressions are definitely not easy for me. And thanks for the colour comment, I’m trying to learn more about them :)


amberdreams June 15 2021, 19:59:57 UTC
Aw thank you - art is a constant learning process for me, so it's always nice to hear other artists share this struggle. 😁


siriala June 14 2021, 21:43:04 UTC
I was so looking forward to your artwork, and it's even better than what I hoped for. You never cease to amaze me. The donkeys first, they're so pretty, and cuddly ! All the portraits are great, I think I like particularly Mark Sheppard as the maitre d'. And you know what, there used to be quite a few of those trucks where I live when I was a kid, a few centuries ago, and I hated them, thought they were ugly. But here you go and draw them and they're not ugly anymore. Anyway, great artwork, and I definitely want to read the story now.


dun June 15 2021, 17:29:31 UTC
Thank you! *blushes* First of all, I’m happy I’ve managed to change your views on food trucks - at least the Citroën variety. And the slightly charicature-ish portraits were definitely fun to do. As were the donkeys. :) And you absolutely must read the story, it’s very very good.


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