((Quick note: his canon is a reality show within a cartoon, so expect terms like "episodes" and "season" to refer to both the show's episode or season, as well as the in-universe episode and season. They're usually one and the same within the canon universe.))
[ Character's Name ] : Duncan (no last name given)
[ Character's Age ] : Let's go with 17 (no age given)
[ Series ] : Total Drama series (The last part of the show is renamed with each season, so I'm keeping it short. If anybody wants to actually make three categories for him, feel free.)
[ Canon Point ] : After the final episode of Total Drama World Tour
[ History ] : Link:
Duncan. While it's not 100% complete / accurate, it's pretty close. Just be wary whenever Courtney or Gwen appear, as there's a fandom shipping war going on (I'll answer any questions you might have if you aren't sure if the entry's accurate).
[ Personality ] :
Sporting a green mohawk, a spiked collar around his neck, and a fairly obvious dislike for everything around him, Duncan's your average rebellious teenager. Except he also has the misfortune of having been on Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and being kidnapped and forced to return to Total Drama World Tour despite having quit the show in the first episode. As a result, his already existing anger problem has been worsened due to the many arbitrary challenges he's been forced to perform, not to mention the repeated incidents of painful injury and/or animal maulings that each season typically involved. Even the fact he won the million dollar prize for the second season didn't do much to temper his hostility toward the show and its sadistic host Chris McLean, so really, his memories of the experience are typically unpleasant. His temper tends to be triggered more by the people he's with than the situation at hand, as he's shown to be remarkably easygoing when things start going wrong, and only tends to lose it when it's someone rather than something that's getting on his nerves.
An unapologetic juvenile delinquent, Duncan embraces the 'bad boy' image that his behavior typically crafts for him, to the point that he hides or refuses to admit to anything that suggests he has a nice side buried underneath all the mockery, pranks, and misdemeanors. Anyone he dislikes can expect to be bullied or pranked both mercilessly and regularly, while those he treats with indifference can usually expect only occasional juvenile antics from him. Those fortunate enough to be considered his friends benefit from only good-natured teasing, as well as an unshakeable loyalty and concern for their continued happiness (though he will do his best to hide the latter as best as possible, often by trying to trivialize his actions). That isn't to say he's without any other blemishes to his personality however, as he's also shown to be somewhat of a chauvinist from time to time, and very, very rarely expresses any remorse for his bad behavior unless it winds up hurting him in some way. He often uses threats of violence to get his way and control people around him, and the threats typically aren't empty ones (he once settled a petty feud by throwing an angry dingo at the person, knocking them off a cliff in the process). He's also more than willing to let others get hurt if he thinks it'll be entertaining, even once allowing one of his teammates to scale over an electrified fence while he simply walked through the open gate.
Duncan's a rocker through and through, and embraces the stereotypical punk lifestyle of loud music and juvenile delinquency. His favorite hobby is vandalism, with a special preference for carving into things with the small knife he carries with him. Of course, he's open to other activities, such as playing with fire and stealing cars. Previous exploits also include a "Happy Nude Year" celebration and a pool party in the city hall fountain. He's also a huge fan of both the horror and alien movie genres, including the less specific "slasher flick" genre. The cheesier and more obscure the movie, the more he likes it, and has absolutely no problem rewatching a movie he enjoys several times (e.g.: he's seen "Alien Chunks" a total of 53 times). That fondness combined with Duncan's natural ingenuity led to him teaching himself how to make fake blood, something that has obvious prank applications.
All told, while he's far from the most likable guy on the planet, he's not exactly pure evil either. While he may be immature, short tempered, and generally a jerk, he does have a soft spot, and if he likes you there's no better person to have at your back. Underneath the blend of rebellious teenage angst and apathy, he actually is a pretty nice, caring guy. It's just buried...deep. Bedrock deep.
[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Duncan's tough, though it seems to come and go based on whether or not he's expecting the punishment. He's vulnerable to one-hit KOs from sucker punches, though has been shown to take egregious amounts of punishment when he's expecting it. As a result, this is kind of a mixed strength / weakness situation.
For less hazily defined categories, he's got ingenuity going for him and can reliably come up with a solution to a particular problem. He's also pretty athletic, and has enough physical strength to handle himself in most fights. The guy's even taken on a gator with his bare hands and came away victorious, so despite his glass jaw when it comes to sucker punches, he's someone to be taken seriously in a scrap.
On the weaknesses side, his biggest one is his mouth. He doesn't always know when to stop riding people, something that's gotten him into trouble on occasion (and usually hurt). His abrasive personality and constant pranks and bullying to people he doesn't like also doesn't go very far when it comes to making friends and gaining allies, and the guy typically has a very small circle of friends and a much larger list of enemies as a result.
[ Other Important Facts ] :
-Likes "chicks with attitude." This can be either short tempers or a natural skill with witty banter. The problem is, the former tends to get him hurt.
-Knows how to play the electric guitar. While he's never been shown on-screen playing a real one, he has been shown playing every tenth note of a song with perfect accuracy on a peripheral (think Guitar Hero) without having to look at the screen for prompts, or having heard the song before, suggesting he's familiar enough with the instrument and music in general that he's capable of using a real one. Backing this up is the fact that he was found with his own [successful] London-based punk band in Season 3, after he quit the show. While he was once again not shown playing, the fact that he hates singing and has shown no inclination toward drums seems to lend weight to the theory that he can play the guitar.
-Never goes anywhere without his lighter and a small knife he uses for carving and other miscellaneous knife things.
[ Sample ] :
HERE and
HERE [ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : Assuming I get in, any posting will probably be sporadic until around the 10th. This is mainly just due to my online classes not ending until the 9th, and basically beating me over the head with assignments in the meantime. Once those are done, I should be able to post without much trouble.