I played Phantasia about four years ago and now I'm doing it again. I guess I'll keep a log of it. Phantasia is actually the second Tales game I've played after Symphonia. I dont' remember hating it, but I didn't particularly enjoy it. For me, I think the plot was sub par (what did I expect; it was an SNES game), and hating the battle mechanics. Particularly semi-auto. In the later games, semi-auto lined you up properly. Here, it maeks you run back and forth, back and forth when you don't want to. It really drives me nuts. They got rid of that after the original Destiny.
I played this original on an SP, but nwo I'm doing it on a DS. Having only the A/B buttons is throwing me off now because now I have all three buttons and I keep pressing Y to block, but there is none in this game. How do you block anyway?
Tales games after Eternia got me used to auto-cook. It's so annoying to press the menu each time... Speaking of the menu, the layout is terrible. There's no inclination of how much gald your'e carrying or what the game time is, etc.
I don't get why the enemy naems are abbreviated. I thought we were done with the lack of character space in the SNES days. Hell, even the FFV and FFVI GBA ports didn't have that.
I really love no item delay in battle.
I always foudn it kinda weird how the game never really explained Mars Uldol. Like, how was he tricked into unsealing Dhaos or what his ultimate goals were.