Mar 26, 2006 22:36
- Can I take the graphics you post?
Of course! Otherwise, I really wouldn't be posting them and would just hoard them all. But really, Livejournal users should not be afraid of the icons (or the taking thereof), the icons should be afraid of the Livejournal users.
- Do you require me to credit when I use your icons/graphics?
I cannot police every single icon I ever make and where it goes, but credit does flatter me and inspires me to continue making icons and graphics for download. Credit shows that you appreciate the time/energy I took to make/upload/post all of these silly little things, really it's just a symbol of respect. You should credit me as illgoest@dungeonesque, that way people know to look at my graphic journal & not my personal LJ.
- Will you make a tutorial for _____ technique?
Unfortunately, probably not. I've started getting better about saving my psd files for techniques I enjoy, but I cannot gaurantee that I'll be posting tutorials any time soon. I've got quite a bit on my plate right now in my personal life and until that calms down, I simply won't have time for that. After that, we'll see.
- Where did you get _____ that you used on _____ icon/graphic?
I try and credit everybody I can on my resource page, but if you leave a comment there with a question about something I will try to tell you where I got it. Often times I forget, and more often than not I use quite a bit of Photoshop presets or my own resources.
- Are you ever going to post anything besides Harry Potter graphics?
Haha. Maybe. Considering I am in two sorting communities (hogwarts_rising and hogwarts_elite) Harry Potter graphics pwn my soul, but as I do have other areas of interest (like everyone, really), I do plan to branch out - someday. I cannot, however, gaurantee that I will make anything that you ask for simply because if I don't like it, or have never seen/heard it, it won't mean anything for me to make the graphics. I stick to things that I know and enjoy, more than anything.
- Can I take the resources you post?
Of course! Again, I wouldn't be posting them if I didn't think it was okay for everybody to be downloading them. (Not to mention I do moonlight as a comment whore, so it's always nice to feel the love when somebody likes something I create.) Please read the rules that are located with each resource post before you use them.
- How do I download items from Deviant Art? Do I need an account there?
No, you don't need to sign up for a DA account to download items there. If you click on the main Deviation page for an item (like here, for Brocade Study Textures 2) you will find a "Download to Desktop" button in a darker green box beneath the full size view of the preview. Click that, and then follow the popup window instructions that your browser will provide.
- Why do you host your resources on Deviant Art?
I used to host them on my own domain, but my bandwidth is so tiny, as is my storage space, that I had to move them somewhere. I like the fact that you can comment there as well, and it's generally been reliable. I can't stand places like MegaUpload or YouSendIt, so Deviant Art was a nice alternative to find (plus I can put other things like fanart/photographs/etc. there).
- How do you make your textures/brushes?
A long and arduous process, I collage and work with Photoshop presets until I feel like it looks the way I want it. I utilize my own brushes and scans as well as the handy patterns by Squidfingers, colorfilter, _promenadeicons, and more, to create combinations that appear like textiled fabric or torn paper. Some days, I don't know how I do it. Maybe I'll make a tutorial eventually.
- How do I use textures or install the brushes to use them?
Textures can be used in a variety of ways, but are just like regular image files & you can open them like you would any image in any image editing software. grrliz_icons has a nice tutorial for turning textures into patterns, which is a very handy method as well. For help with installing brushes, please see this tutorial.
- I used one of your items on a graphic. Would you like to see?
Yes, absolutely! Once a month or so I try to feature Deviantions (on DeviantArt) or artworks/icons/graphics on Livejournal that have used my resources in a unique or interesting way. I like doing this because it encourages you all to download & play with my resources, not to mention, I feel very flattered when I see that somebody has made something awesome with anything I've posted for download.
- How do I join the community? Do I get posting access?
You may join the community by clicking here, but only I will ever have posting access (unless I find somebody that I wouldn't mind sharing an icon/resource journal with in the future). There's no application process or anything of the sort, so join away and enjoy.
- Can I watch the community instead?
Of course! Simply add the community as a friend by clicking here.
- Can I e-mail you and ask you a question?
Well, you can leave it here (considering this is a frequently asked questions post it makes sense semantically), but if you'd prefer it be kept private you can e-mail me at to gaurantee it getting to me the quickest.
- I noticed you used one of my items on a graphic but didn't credit me. Why?
More than likely, I forgot, and I am so sorry. Please leave a comment here letting me know about it (please reference the post & graphic item) and I will update my resource page posthaste!
- Would you like to affiliate with my icon/graphic journal?
My affiliates are listed in my userinfo and I am very choosey/picky about who I affiliate with. You might notice that the only three affiliates I have at the moment are Noah, Chase, and Yoli, because I think they are all awesome & are good friends of mine as well. If you get to know me, and we decide to become good virtual pals through the virtue of iconmaking, then I'll liekly add you as an affiliate down the road.
- Why on earth do you call it "dungeonesque"?
I call it "Dungeonesque" as a play on words to the word "dungeness," aka, the crab, and aka, the Dungeness Spit, which is not too far from where I live now. When I first moved here I was saying "Dungeonesque," though wasn't corrected until I wrote it down and somebody pointed it out to me. Ever since I've liked the idea of using it for something, thus, here it is.
#meta - frequently asked questions