The joys of Chrismas pete, Eating fuck loads of food, and sleeping til at least noon!!! IM pretty sure in years to come it will become law. Its a bitch trying to get up for lectures now!!!Even tho i only have 1 a week.
yea, i know, its great. But, its one lecture a week, and shit loads of projects per term which make up our marks overall. so i dont have any exams cause its contant assesment, Basically i feel like im gettin a level results every 2 weeks. we have to do the work in the studio from 9 til 4 every other day. Its funny seeing drunk students trying to draw. they find it unbelievably amazing that they have 4 fingers and a thumb on their right or left hand!!! I also had to get up for work at 7 from june til september during the summer, so i do know how much it sucks!!
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