Title: Not a Chance
duo-samaPairings: ShinnxStellar, one-sided AuelxStellar
Theme: Probability
30_lessonsGenre: General? Maybe Angst?
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam SEED Destiny.
Summary: Because he's only family. Auel muses on Shinn and Stellar.
Warnings: God. This is crap. They’re not in character. At all. That is something that must be fixed at a later date.
There were only a few things that truly bothered Auel in the world. Shinn Asuka was one of them. Not that Shinn himself was bad. Every so often, he would join Sting and Auel in a friendly game of basketball.
No, the problem lay in Shinn’s girlfriend, Stellar. Stellar was one of the few people Auel could honestly say he cared about in any way. The two of them, along with Sting, had grown up in an orphanage together. Only once they reached college age had they moved out. All three lived in a three bedroom apartment, paid for by a local government official who claimed to have known Stellar’s father during his childhood. He had seen the potential in the three to become great in their respective talents (Auel in basketball, Sting as a solider, and Stellar as a dancer) and tried to make money not a hindrance.
It was while Stellar was dancing that their lives began to change. She bumped into Shinn one day while they were shopping and instantly began to grow attached. It became common for Auel to come home from the community college to see Shinn indulging Stellar’s childish whims. While this was not bad in itself, it drew Stellar away and Auel didn’t like it. They had always stuck together before and that had gotten them through and now Shinn was taking that all away.
In time, their attraction grew into love. And now, five years after they met, they were engaged.
“They’re so sweet. I think I might get cavities watching.” a voice from beside him said. “Let’s go Auel. We can still catch a movie.”
Blue eyes lingered on the pair for only a second more, before turning to see the face of Auel’s best friend, Sting. “Sure…”
Shinn watched as Auel and Sting walked away. They were probably getting sick of all the public displays of affection. “You know Auel doesn’t like me right?”
Stellar nodded. “I know. He most likely never will.”
“Well, you are taking me away from him. He knows now that there is not a chance that he’ll have me all to himself.”
“Ah…” Shinn leaned over and gave Stellar a soft kiss on the cheek. “He’ll never have you. You’ll be mine forever.”
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