Challenge 03 Round 09 Results

Dec 04, 2008 13:37

I'm so sorry, but we have to say "goodbye" to one participant.


by xtine005 
(-3 votes)

People's Choice:

by ksi_liv 
(+4 votes)

Mod's Choice:

(Absolutely agree with the voters.)

So, our finalists are:
dance_the_dance, ksi_liv, loving_w

Voting Tally (set number here):

01| -1
02| +4
03| -1+1=0
04| -1-1+1-1-1=-3

Lesser quality sets:

set # 1 - the texture on the 2nd icon doesn't fit the "mood" of the whole set at all, at least on the first icon there is need in something special that could decorate it

set #3 - the coloring really looks alike in both icons, plus the cropping in icon2 is a bit off

set #4 - bad text and crops
set #4 - simple coloring, text(1 icon) doesn't look good
set #4 - pale colorings, in the 1st icon the hair slightly greenish...and in the seond the white space looks strange
set #4 - Second icon is too blurry, letters "a" and "e" are out of icon, that isn't good,firsat icon - bad text placement.

Favourite sets:
set #2 - great colors, crop.. simple but really nice
set #2 - lovely coloring on icon1 & great use of b&w and contrast in icon2set
#2 - the coloring of #1 is very nice and soft, and the B/W of #2 looks very elegant
set #2 - Good colors.

set #3 - nice coloring

set #4 - lovely use of the text and good choice of the font which fit the set really good at all, nice colors and use of textures

round 3: challenge 9, results, round 3

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