Meme-ness borrowed from misochan

Aug 10, 2006 11:22

10 years younger than I am now maybe??

At work... listening to the radio news, constantly refreshing the BBC online news and beong shocked with the rest of the office

Slap them on the side. Sometimes it works... sometimes it don't

4) Do you consider yourself kind?

5) If you HAD to get a tattoo, where would it be?
Both upper arms... would also consider my back, lower legs

6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
Deutsch bitte.

7) Do you know your neighbors?

8) What do you consider a vacation/Holiday?
staying away from home for 3 or more days

9) Do you follow your horoscope?
nah, 'tis a load of piffle

10) Would you move for the person you loved?
I did!

11) Are you touchy feely?
Usually, but sometimes not.

12) Do you believe that opposites attract?

13) Dream job?
Experimental Archaeologist... mainly as I want, nay need to build trebuchets *nods* mmmmm.....trebuchet

14) Favorite channel(s)?
Um... Film Four now that it's free ^_^

15) Favorite place to go on weekends?
usually only go into town.... but anywhere out of the house is good, especially if it's to see friends or a band or a festival

16) Showers or Baths?

17) Do you paint your nails?
Sometimes... usually black ( * * * SAD OLD GOTH ALERT! SAD OLD GOTH ALERT! * * * )

18) Do you trust people easily?
I'm usually pretty trusting, even with new people.

19) What are your phobias?
Big spiders and bugs *shudders*

20) Do you want kids?
Y'know... I was thinking about that only this morning on the train into London. Came to the conclusion that I don't want kids.

21) Do you keep a handwritten journal?

22) Where would you rather be right now?
At home

24) Heavy or light sleeper?

That's how heavy a sleeper I am >.>

25) Are you paranoid?
Sometimes >.>

26) Are you impatient?

27) Who can you relate to?
hmmmmm.... I don't know

28) How do you feel about interracial couples?
love is love is love, (and it's a wonderful thing) so who cares about colour or race or gender....neh?

29) Have you been burned by love?
Aye :(

30) What's your favorite pick up line?

31) What's your main ringtone on your cell?
The Dr Who theme tune

32) What were you doing at midnight last night?
sitting in bed, reading Megatokyo #4

33) What did the last text on your mobile phone say?
Um.... gah, deleted the message. Was probably "get me some fags on your way home, Love Shelley XX" ^_^

34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
Ours (evangeline2670 and mine)

35) What color shirt are you wearing?
it's kinda a grey khaki colour....

36) Most recent movie you watched?
Um... *thinks what was on the other night* ah - Shawshank Redemption.

37) Name three things you have on you at all times?
wallet, mp3 player, keys

38) What color are your bed sheets?
um... grubby >.<

39) How much cash do you have on you right now?
Eight pounds sterling and some pence

40) What is your favorite part of the chicken?
eggs - I prefer not to see chickens killed for meat

41) What's your favorite town/city?
Paris is nice ^__^

42) I can't wait till:
Hmmmm.... *thinks* well... I can retire when I'm 55 with a decent pension, so I guess my 55th birthday

43) Are you named after anyone?
not that I know of...

44) What did you have for dinner last night?
cheese feast pizza, garlic bread and salad

45) How tall are you barefoot?

46) Have you ever smoked heroin?

47) Do you own a gun?
Nope. Got 2 swords though (he asked hopefully)

48) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee, apple fuice if there's some in the house or Coke >.>

49) What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
What is this 'lure' you refer to???

heh heh... i guess my shyness, long flowing locks, awesome taste in music, unbelievable modesty....

50) Do you have A.D.D.?
Um... I know not... indeed I care not *shrugs*

51) What time did you wake up today?
about 30 minutes too late o.O

52) Current worry?
Hope Evie finds a good job soon-ish >.>

53) Current hate?
don't really have one...

54) Favorite place to be?
anywhere but work!

55) Where would you like to travel to?
The US of A (via Europe) to see all our online friends

56) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
Probably in the same job, hopefully still with Evie and living in our own house and 10 years closer to retirement!

57) Last thing you ate?
Cheese and pickled onion sandwich

58) What songs do you sing in the shower?
Rarely if ever sing in the shower... luckily for the neighbours

59) Last thing that made you laugh?
MegaTokyo #4 - building a L33T comp should only be done naked *nodnodgrin*

60) Worst injury you've ever had?
The sprained knee back in May - it's still a bit twingey

61) Does someone have a crush on you?
I hope so

62) What's your favorite candy?
Hmmmm... I'd like something dark chocolate and slightly minty *nods*

63) What song is stuck in your head?
Animal Farm by Blyth Power
"Until a messenger came one day
Looked down his nose and asked my name
He said where's the form for your Poll Tax boy
I've come to take all your money away
I said come on down from your horse
Put your hand in my pocket try to take my purse
And my brother will break your arms off
While I recite you verse"

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