duoinchains --
Similar to butter in texture and appearance
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
QuizGalaxy.com *giggles*
You are 46% Obsessive.
You are a little bit obsessive. You might go a little wacky when your fave band comes to town but otherwise you are cool, calm and collected.
'How Obsessive Are You?' at
QuizGalaxy.com "You might go a little wacky when your fave band comes to town..."
NO!.. really?? *shifty eyes* I LOL'd muchly
You are Leonardo Da Vinci.
You are artistic, and incredibly intelligent. You look at the world in a different way than most people, and you are very imaginative. Things that seem impossible to most people are easy for you.
Take this quiz at
QuizGalaxy.com O.o
You are not really geeky
You may like a few things that are geeky, but overall you aren’t really much of a geek.
Take this quiz at
QuizGalaxy.com Now just wait a minute there.... I am g33ky dammit!!1!one!