
May 30, 2009 14:42

I'M BACK!!!!! Some how I disappeared from the world. I blame it on Kyuhyun and his total hotness on variety shows and Yesung for his classic fail on said shows. I can't  get enough of it. I keep watching Intimate Note. MOON HEE JUN!!!!! Ryeowook cracked me up with that and then his Michael Jackson impression. And Kyu with constantly intro-ing himself. I swear I laugh so hard whenever I hear "Kyuhyun imnida" now even when he's being serious.

Ok getting back on track now. I have been informed by my beloved sycoraxsnow and notetoself09  that they are in on Operation Kleenex (the name i will explain in a minute). So in return they get to pick who goes next and the operation name. I just have one thing to beg of them. How do I get those totally awesome SUJU mood gifs that you and everyone else uses?

Operation Kleenex is my brilliant plan to kidnap Super Junior K.R.Y..

Voices in my head: Robyn you should probably tell everyone why it is called Kleenex.

Me: Really? It seems so obvious to me.

Voices in my head: Yes to you but your friends are the type to spend hours trying to drown a fish.

Me: Oh, that's right I forgot.

Voices in my head: *face palms* Pabo

Me: *sticks out tongue at her refection in the mirror then faces everyone out in LJ world* Because you use a Kleenex to capture your tears when you KRY. *heads desk* I's a brilliant cheesy name and explanation.

All my friends and the voices: And they say Yesung has fail, wonder who he learned it from *all point at Robyn while looking in other directions and whistling*

Yesung: Yep she taught me everything i know.

OK now that you know and you made it through my randomness. Who wants to help?

Ok now that everyones' brain is fried from trying to keep up with me while my ADHD is acting up I'll let you go. I will update soon.

missing, operation, randomness, update, kleenex

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