Of some dirty looking men who I think are super hot.
First, this guy from that stupid Trojan Commercial with the pigs. He's no one special and I'm pretty sure he has a few STDs, but yum to him.
Next, Russell Brand. I like him and I like his ridiculous hair that probably hasnt been washed in a year.
But most importantly, The Rev (Jimmy) from Avenged Sevenfold. Oh my god, he plays those drums like no ones business and he is just...He makes me soo happy with his insanity.
Oh Rev, you are so tall and have ridic legs. And now for your enjoyment, some videos of why I love him. Why can't I just find a completely insane man who has musical brilliance? Is that so much to ask?
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Please note that that duck is a goose. Me and the gals decided that he was probably drunk though. It's okay, Rev.
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You entertain me so. Fucking, great stuff.
Hope you all enjoyed that :D