roommate drabbles

Mar 31, 2013 18:07

A/N these are short and fluffy, un-beta'd, happy easter.

pg; 612w

morning kisses

Sehun wakes up to fluttering kisses on his shoulder blades, on his chest, on his face. He’s annoyed.

“Hyung,” he whines, “It’s too early, let me sleep.”

Joonmyun chuckles, and continues his onslaught of kisses.


Sehun doesn’t want to open his eyes, doesn’t want to give in. Joonmyun looks positively radiant in the mornings, hair tousled, face dewey, and Sehun knows he won’t be able to go back to sleep at the sight of that, so he turns away.

Joonmyun is never one to give up though and trails a hand up his side, tickling him.

“Sehun,” he says his name with laugh. “Play with me.”

Sehun turns around, opening his eyes and glaring, except he’s not really glaring at all. He was right, of course, Joonmyun looks beautiful, giving him a cheeky smile, theres a twinkle in his eye, Sehun gives in.

“You woke me up from my beauty sleep.”

“You don’t need anymore beauty,” Joonmyun peppers a kisses at the side of his mouth “Hog,” he mumbles.

He flushes.

Joonmyun leans in for a kiss, but Sehun quickly scoots back.


Joonmyun smiles. “Worried about bad breath?”

Sehun blanches, then turns pink. How embarrassing. He rolls out of bed, almost falling, and walks quickly to their shared restroom. He hears Joonmyun giggle and say something along the lines of cute. Bastard.

“See if I let you sleep with me from now on,” he mumbles indigently, brushing his teeth.

Arms circle his waist, Joonmyun nuzzles onto him, breathing him.

“I was just kidding, and anyways it’s not like I mind.”

Sehun spits out the toothpaste, nudging him away a bit.

“It’s still embarrassing.” He turns around facing Joonmyun

Joonmyun smiles, goes on his tiptoes, and brings him down for a kiss. It’s sweet, languid, and warm. Joonmyun’s kisses always remind him of sunshine.

They separate

“Your breath smells hyung,” he mumbles out, a bit breathless, smiling.

Joonmyun laughs, and whacks his chest.

“You didn’t seem to mind.”

Sehun gurgles something out, but Joonmyun is already walking out of the room, leaving him standing in the restroom.

He smiles fondly, walks back to their bed and decides to take a nap.

blanket hog

Kyungsoo shivers. He opens his eyes to see Jongin hogging the blanket, again. He tugs on the blanket, annoyed, but Jongin has a tight grip on it. He sighs and pokes him.

“Jongin,” he whispers, poking his side, Jongin doesn’t respond.

“Jongin,” a bit louder.

“Mmmm,” a response.

“Your hogging the blanket again, I’m cold,” he sounds a bit whiny, but he’s cold.

Kyungsoo does’t know how Jongin managed to turn around and crush him to his chest so fast in his sleepy state but doesn’t question it.

Being wrapped up in Jongin isn’t that bad. Jongin is always warm, sometimes too hot, but Kyungsoo likes it, he nuzzle closer to him, sleep making him sluggish.

“Sleep hyung,” it’s murmured quietly, and accompanied by a soft kiss on his forehead.


puppy noises

Chanyeol hears a small whimper coming from his left. Baekhyun is making those puppy noises again, he smiles, he would be annoyed, they're disturbing his sleep after all, but they’re cute, and it’s always fun to tease Baekhyun in the mornings, so he stays awake for a bit.

Baekhyun always tells Chanyeol to nudge him a bit to make him stop but he thinks they’re adorable, so he leaves him alone.

He stays awake a while longer, listening to the noises, before deciding he’s being creepy.

He feels sleep coming back to him, making everything hazy. Time for bed.

He hears one last whimper before falling asleep. He dreams of puppies, and Baekhyun.

i only like the seho one -.-. i was bored and the kaisoo fic im writing is long and depressing so i wrote some fluff.

baekyeol, seho, pg, kaisoo

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