Three applications you have voted on:
Ichi. |
Ni. |
Name/Nickname: Ariel is mah name. I've had people call me Alice, Manrii, Star, Glitter, Starry, Ari, Airi, Kira, Mitsuki, Oreo, Milk Bottle, and a ton of other things. You can call me just about anything and I'll get used to it, seriously.
Gender: Female. Pshaw.
Would you mind if you are stamped as the opposite gender?: Wut. Of course not LOL, why would I mind that? Most characters in this series are men, anyways.
Is this a re-stamp? If it is, who were you previously stamped as?: ........ 8D -skips to the next question- La la laaaa~
What do you like/love: Izaya and your face. I like.. meat, music, my friends and family, my dogs ... I love role-playing, writing and singing. I enjoy drawing and surfing YouTube and looking at icons. I love stuffed animals/pillows and sleeping. I love manga and anime, and TVtropes kinda owns my soul. I like joking around and I love Photobucket. I also love flowers and my iPod and my laptop. Also wind. Stupid jokes, laughing.
What do you dislike/hate: Fish. Sharks, spinach, being bored, getting lazy. Genuinely stupid people, shallow people and I also dislike people who are arrogant and self-centered. I dislike bad writing and I can't stand when people act like they're so cool or amazing when they suck. I don't like when people don't bother to spell correctly. I hate elitists. I dislike a lot of things, honestly.
Strengths: I'm honest, accepting and very (read: WAY TOO) open-minded. I'm creative and intelligent, and I'm a natural leader. I've got very strong, firm opinions and I don't change them just because others don't agree. I'm protective and tough, and I've got a good sense of humor. I'm likable, apparently, and I have a lot of friends. I always say how I feel and what I mean, and I'm very, very open. I honestly can't think of any real secrets I have. I'm good at listening and people usually open up to me without much problem.
Weaknesses: I have terrible, terrible self-confidence, and my insecurity is honestly astounding to some people. I never think of myself when I worry, and I've been used and walked all over because of how open and accepting I am. For how open I am, amazingly, I don't trust many people at all. I always talk down to myself, and my temper is absolutely terrible. I'm almost always subconsciously irritated at something or someone, and I can snap over stupid things. I don't actually care about too many people, and when I DO care about people, I get scared that I'm being too clingy and that they don't actually care about me at all. I'm violent and awkward and I'm always frightened that I'm actually alone and wondering about a lot of stuff I probably shouldn't.
Describe your personality: Oh wow. Uh. I'm violent, short-tempered, irritable and awkward. But somehow, people seem to like me and I have a lot of friends. I'm supposedly a very intelligent person, but I'm very unmotivated and lazy. I get bored of life a lot and just sort of pass through the days. I'm highly creative and will often get sucked into my stories and lose track of the real world. I'm very honest and blunt, and people often open up to me because I'm so "real". I'm affectionate with my friends and I absolutely adore all of them, even though I can be apathetic and almost mean sometimes. I can get really energetic and I've been called "painfully innocent" before. I'm very loud and I guess I'm kinda ... intimidating to people who don't know me. So I've been told. I'm easily distracted and I talk a lot (obviously). Uh ... Idk, a lot of other stuff should be obvious.
Hobbies: I sing, draw and write. Very well, I'm repeatedly reminded. I: I also daydream a lot and surf YouTube, looking for new music. I also play video games and watch/read anime/manga. Yeah. I think that's it.
Goals/Dreams: I want to be a voice actress. I'd also like to, someday, publish a collection of stories and at least one novel. If I can't be a voice actress, I'll probably go into some sort of design field. I want to have a quiet personal life, but I also want to be able to have fun. It's hard to really explain completely, 'cause I'm still so unsure ..
Fears: Sharks, needles, death, pain, snakes. I'm also mildly scared of the dark, and I have anxiety about public bathrooms and toilets in general sometimes.
Favorite Color: Silver. Followed closely by green, blue, purple, red, and white. And black. Yep.
Mature or Childish?: UHHHHH. I'm the oldest of three, so in many ways I have to be mature. I'm usually pretty mature, but I can totally get really childish if I feel like it.
Lead or Follow?: I'm a leader, dude. If I have to follow anyone, I get really irritable and I criticize them in my head .. I get kinda mean. I really don't mean to, but yeah.
Outgoing or Shy? HAHAHAH .. oh man. Most people I know would go, "She's really outgoing," but honestly, I'm pretty shy. I'm outgoing only if I'm with people I know or if I'm in one of my crazier moods, but when I'm by myself, I'm usually just quiet and I keep to myself. Like, seriously, I've forgotten bags of what I've bought at the cash register many times in my life because I was so nervous and ready to leave. They've had to call me back to get them. OTL
Upbeat or Calm?: Umm .. I'm a pretty excitable person, so I suppose I'd say "upbeat", in the sense that I'm more emotional, so calling me calm would be wrong.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Oh lord. Physically, I'm cautious because I'm scared of pain. But I'm very impulsive with my words; things will just slip out without me even noticing sometimes.
Logical or Imaginative?: LOL. So damn imaginative that it might not be healthy. I never live in reality, and I lose track of time because I'm so busy daydreaming and thinking about my stories and characters. I like to sleep just because I'll dream and usually remember a lot of it. And while I could probably BE logical if I wanted, I dislike being so.
And Here's DURARARA!!
Favorite Character and WHY: Hoshi--umm ... I DON'T REALLY KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT but I love Izaya so much like woah. Probably just because he's hot! I'm shallow like that! But if I met him irl I would ttly just punch him out. LOL. But I also love Simon! He is as cute as a button!! I often wind up going, "OOOH, SHIZUO~! SUSHI GA OMAI YO~" to my friends in his voice LOL. And then I love pretty much EVERYONE IN THIS SERIES except Namie and Saki, yo. I can't stand Saki, and Namie just .. irritates me. I just like everyone because they are all so quirky and oddly CUTE and PSYCHO, YEAH! I love crazy people, idk.
What do you think about the series? Good? Bad? Any opinions?: How about TOTALLY AMAZING. This is, like, one of my favorite series in the world right now, I swear to god. I love it and Reborn! so much. >x<
Whose character design is the best according to you?: Oh man. Uh. I love Shinra's design, literally. He's so cute. I also love Izaya's jacket and his knife .. and Shizuo's bartender outfit. I also like everything about Celty. On a side note, I also love how they put so much detail into their cell phones! And I like everyone's design, honestly, even if I don't like the characters. They're all so detailed in small ways. <3
Any favorite pairings?: Augh hahahah. I love IzayaKida and KidaMikado and ShinraCelty. Yeah. 8D
What episode that appeals to you the most?: Oh geez. Uh. There's something for me to like about every episode, honestly. Like .. I love Kida when he tries to run all epically and I laugh (KAMIKAZE KIDA) and of course I love when Shizuo punches that guy out of his clothes and when Izaya stomps the cell phone (who doesn't?), and anything with Walker. <3 And I just .. love everything. asasabshdktr. EXCEPT THE ENDING OR ANYTHING WITH SAKI OKAY. I really .. just .. augh.
Masaomi is asking you to hang out with him and he lets you choose where to go! So, to what kind of place would you go to?: OHHH KIDA I WOULD GO ANYWHERE WITH YOOOUUUU~ kidding. =w= I'd probably just like to wander around the park and the busy streets. I'm not really one for being outside, but I'd like to just walk around and listen to him talk ('cause we all know he'd probably never shut up).
Have you ever thought of doing suicide?: Yeeeeah .. but I'm scared of dying, so that obviously wouldn't go anywhere LOL.
Do you believe in legends/myths?: Yus! To a certain extent... but I believe. <33
What kind of sushi do you like?: Sadly, I don't like sushi. D: But I love Japanese curry.
You encounter a gang/dangerous person/someone who wants to hurt you-- real bad! What course of action would you take if you happen to meet them?: AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYAYAYAYAYA. <--- That. No, I'm kidding. I would probably get all frozen, but if they got too close, I'd most likely lash out at them. /:> I get violent when I'm freaked out or scared, so yeah. But I'd probably scream and lash out.
You are about to be transferred to another city so that you can attend a particular school there! Sounds like fun! What kind of things do you expect upon moving there?: NOT MUCH BRO! I already go to a boarding school so LOL I think I'll be fine~ I'll make some good friends and I'll have a lot of ... decent friends, I guess. And I'll stay home a lot and enjoy the quiet. Yep. I'll be totally fine. Maybe I'll even get to have an adventure! Or I might have to deal with more shit .. 'cause lord knows there's a hell of a lot of dramu at boarding school, man.
Do you prefer to make friends on the Internet (or any other long-distance communication) or by meeting them in person? Um .. honestly? I think I'm more of an internet person. I can more easily state what I mean and ... uhhh ... yeah. IDK. It would depend. Maybe.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: HAHAHAHAHAH I hate pictures a-so much. So yeah. I'm like 5'10'', with wavy, messy (aka, I rarely brush it properly) dark brown hair with golden highlights that goes to my shoulder blades about. I have big boobs and apparently a pokable tummy and broad shoulders. I have long legs and nice ankles (idk man, people have commented on them) and big feet. Uhhhh ... I'm not skinny, but most people comment that I'm not fat like I say I am. My best friend says I'm "curvy" LOL. I'm really insecure about my appearance! I think I'm ugly! People never listen to me, though. I:
I was trying to mess with my hair! It didn't work!! |
More natural light. I was making a face 'cause my friend was taking a picture.That first one is like the only picture of myself that I actually like. At all. My teacher actually got a decent picture ..
Any final words?: UMMMMMM ... extreme like dinosaurs exploding, yeah!! And other stuff. bow chika bow wow~~ ... god I feel weird.
DO YOU TRUST ME!?: I TRUST YOU, TRUST YOU, TRUST YOU, YEAH! ... shit man, I almost sang that out loud. Don't do that to me.