Oct 02, 2010 00:46

Three applications you have voted on:

1 | 2 | 3


Name/Nickname: Zoe/Zozo/Zo/Zed/so on
Gender: Female

Would you mind if you are stamped as the opposite gender?: Not at all 8D
Is this a re-stamp? If it is, who were you previously stamped as?: Nope~

What do you like/love:I love so many things! I love to write (fan fiction, original, poetry). I like to draw, although I am lazy and I never seem to take the time to learn to draw people proportionally so I just draw tulips. And bees. Clouds too. Generally they’re in some sort of battle (Bees eating Tulips and vice versa). Video games are awesome. I love to play them, however it seems I’m collecting more and more and having less time to play. My favourite are the RPGs (especially Tales of Symphonia). Pokemon is one of my favourite series (Playing HeartGold right now!). Fatal Frame is fantastic. I love to hang out with my friends, since they are amazing. Music is pretty cool, though I have rather random tastes. How To Train Your Dragon is currently my favourite movie. Anime I used to be overly obsessed with it, but I kind of toned it down a lot. To the point where I watch only a bit every now and then. I'm more into manga now, though. Languages. The list goes on! (Sleeeeeeep <3)
What do you dislike/hate: Brussels Sprouts (ewwwwww). School work. Uh. Ghosts! I hate ghosts. Well, horror in general. I love to be scared, but at the same time I hate it. Bullies I don’t like. At all. Rude people. Snobby people. Sometimes just people in general.
Strengths: Strengths… hmmm. I can be extremely passionate about the things I love. I’m loyal to my friends. I like to think I can write well. I’m some what book-smart. Ahh, I’m not sure what else =A=;;
Weaknesses: Lazy - I procrastinate and it usually gets me in trouble (and I‘m not entirely in shape, haha ._.;; ). Not Decisive - I dither and over think and by the time I usually come to a decision the situation is over and done with or it’s ten times worse. I give up too easily on things, sometimes. I also have a really bad tendency to avoid conflict.

Describe your personality: I’m usually a bit shy and quiet at first, but once I start talking I can’t stop, especially if I love the subject matter. I am generally cheerful, although I’m not entirely honest about my feelings 100% of the time. I usually go with the flow unless I disagree with it. Then I fight like hell. I have some introverted tendencies (I like my alone time. I like it a lot.). I’m horrible at being decisive; I tend to antagonize over a decision, even if it’s something as simple as a path in a video game. Overall I tend to be optimistic and happy, have troubles shutting up, and can be really moody sometimes and go into hermit mode.

Hobbies: Writing. Video Games. Pokemon. Doodling (Bees VS Tulips). Learning Japanese. Reading. Anime/Manga. Uhhhh… yeah. I kind of play video games obsessively. Also the INTERNET. I spend way too much time on the internet 8)
Goals/Dreams: Finish University with a degree in Japanese lit and language and become a translator. Well, that’s my goal right now. It might change.
Fears: Loss of friends, family. I would be terrified to lose someone to time or death. Paranormal stuff. I freak out over the smallest things. Especially after I watch a scary movie or play a survival horror game. Also the dark. Who’s eighteen and still sleeps with the light on some night? That’s right. Me.
Favorite Colour: Light blue if I had to pick one, but I really like a lot of colours. It changes often.

Mature or Childish?: Mature for the most part. I have my childish moments.
Lead or Follow?: This one is difficult. I think I am more comfortable following than leading, but I tend to be put in the leader population. Like, I was the leader of the Anime club in high school, the Japanese Appreciation Culture Club, and our high school’s own mini anime con (we get like 300-400 people 8D). So… I go between the two.
Outgoing or Shy? Not exactly shy, per se… just a bit introverted. Unless I am drunk. Then I am your best friend regardless of who you are.
Upbeat or Calm?: Calm
Impulsive or Cautious?: This one really depends on the situation. I can be really impulsive, but I can be cautious too. This one gives me trouble, but overall I think I would have to be cautious.
Logical or Imaginative?: Imaginative~

And Here's DURARARA!!

Favorite Character and WHY: Izaya. Why? Because he’s insane. I love it. It seems like I know what he’s doing, then BANG he totally does something different. That and I find most of his scenes as either hilarious, creepy, or hilariously creepy. Even though I wanted to punch him by the end of the series, he’s still one of my favourite characters.
What do you think about the series? Good? Bad? Any opinions?: Good. I’ve really enjoyed it. It’s clever. It’s something rather new (in my opinion) and it has a cast of characters I just can’t help but love, hate and enjoy watching (wooow, creeper alert haha). At first I couldn’t figure out what the point of this series was, but then I didn’t care. It was just so intriguing and I was so curious as to what might happen next, I couldn’t help but watch episode after episode.
Whose character design is the best according to you?: I don’t really have a favourite design… if I had to pick, maybe Celty? Or Shizuo.
Any favorite pairings?: … too many. Top two would be Izaya x Mikado and Celty x Shinra, I think. I am slightly more partial to Yaoi than Het or Yuri. Not entirely picky though. The only paring I don’t really read is Izaya x Shizuo. Before my head gets bitten off, it’s okay… ish. There’s just so much of it, I got bored of it. So I'm rather neutral towards that particular pairing.
What episode that appeals to you the most?: Episode 11. It just made me really happy. Everything tied together for the first part of the series. It was fairly epic to me, heee~ Especially when Mikado took a lesson in Bad-Assery 8D
Masaomi is asking you to hang out with him and he lets you choose where to go! So, to what kind of place would you go to?: THEMEPARK. \o/


Have you ever thought of doing suicide?: Erm, no. Not seriously. I’ve wondered about death, and wondered about what life would be like without me, but I never seriously considered it.
Do you believe in legends/myths?: I want to. Like, seriously. I’d love for magic, and gods and faeries to exist and be around but it’s hard to believe in. So, a little corner of me believes it. A small smidgen of me. However my brain logically likes to point out that it doesn’t exist. I can dream, though.
What kind of sushi do you like?: I love the maki rolls. Especially cucumber. I don’t know why, but those little cucumber maki rolls just taste really good. After that, it would be either tuna or salmon sashimi.
You encounter a gang/dangerous person/someone who wants to hurt you-- real bad! What course of action would you take if you happen to meet them?: Uh, run. I think I would run. If they caught me, I would fight tooth and nail to be free… but I’m pretty sure I would try to run first.
You are about to be transferred to another city so that you can attend a particular school there! Sounds like fun! What kind of things do you expect upon moving there?: What would I expect? To meet new people! Make new friends. New things to explore. It would be frightening and exciting all at once.
Do you prefer to make friends on the Internet (or any other long-distance communication) or by meeting them in person? I think meeting them in person, since I’m a tad paranoid. But my internet friends are at least equal (in amount) to my IRL friends. I love them all, they’re all special to me. I’d love to meet some of my internet friends outside of the internet. I actually have met a few of them.

Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one:

I have a pikture:

(It’s a tad old. Only thing that’s changed is hair length (it’s a bit shorter)).

Any final words?: Uh uh uh. No. No I don’t think so.
DO YOU TRUST ME!?: Do I trust who…?

!needs vote, !unstamped

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