Three applications you have voted on:
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Name/Nickname: Heron
Gender: It depends on how we're defining this. Are we going by appearance? Style of thinking? How many choices do we get? Or, I know, you're using it as a synonym for physical sex with the expectation that it'll be on one side or another of a divide with two easily defined sides, no more, no less, right?
Would you mind if you are stamped as the opposite gender?: lmao I evaded that question like a bitch so SURE GO AHEAD iirc ♀
Is this a re-stamp? If it is, who were you previously stamped as?: It is not.
What do you like/love:
My sharky bedsheets, H.P. Lovecraft stories, my electric guitar, stars, Stars, the moon, clouds, rivers and lakes and the ocean and rain, airports, flying in airplanes, going new places, really old buildings, boats!, fire, candles, warmth, soft blankets, happy endings, new books, old books, tea, alcohol, sweet things, quiet, sleep, fluffy cats, bubbles, distant lightning arcs, coffee, watching hawks, omnom sweet red bean paste treats, sparkly rainbow comb jellies, phosphorescence, ginger ale, mechanical things with gears and wheels and motors and awesome, laser tag, snow, the way acrylic paint peels off plastic and your hands and face when there's enough of it, fireflies, KOTOKO, happy clouds, squids, eating squids, shiny wires, good stories in any medium, windows I can lean out especially when they're moving, the oceany sound that trees make, autumn leaf colors, fluffy scarves, lemonade, pink cupcakes, peacefulness, my cello, when everyone can get along happily, the way flowers and clean rivers smell, and just so so much else that I can't even list.
I really really like viruses in general (although I'm particular to T4 bacteriophage for aesthetic reasons), mathematics, architecture, and music.
Ah, but, I sometimes shut off, so it kind of varies between these things and not much at all?
What do you dislike/hate: Cynicism, unsupported hopefulness, being wrong, being powerless, people who act controlling, yelling, being touched except by a handful of people and even then I need a warning and to be in the mood for it, having to participate in conversations, loud noises, when people do stupid things or choose a situation and then complain about the results, being cold, people that I can't respect expecting things from me, most food, personal space invaders, all traces of my own smallness and weakness and cowardice, the way I can shut off all emotions and principles as necessary, my blind trust and good expectations, the typically unfounded suspiciousness I overlay on my naivety because I don't know how else to protect myself, that it's really no good for me to try letting myself get close to anyone because I have...
tendencies... and I'm not willing to let someone get hurt when it can be so easily avoided. Also being allergic to cats. :(
Again, it goes between these at various times and very little at all at other times. Typically these times will coincide with the likes, wherein they will both be high or low at the same points.
Strengths: I know what I am and am not capable of, and don't bother with doubting myself when it's clear I'm good at something. I have never needed to study in my life in order to get A's on tests. I can adapt to just about any surroundings. I hate lying or cheating and can typically be relied upon to observe and stay within rules and boundaries that I can see the purpose of and agree with. I'm willing to endanger myself to protect someone else. I'm kind of weak against all the little kids that I know, but that's not a bad thing. I'll do whatever's within my capacity if it'll let me help out a friend. I'm good at recognizing patterns if I'm actually looking for them.
Weaknesses: I can be too serious, and sometimes think too literally, black-and-white, pick a name for it. I don't like asking for help or giving in to others, and not only am I stubborn but I can make up my mind too soon and won't change it because someone commented about it. I don't deal well with uncertainties and things left open-ended. I'm really only this open online (but what else is new); IRL I'm extremely quiet, speak little, and am nervous around strangers. Most people can't read me, partly because I don't usually show much expression, partly because my tone of voice isn't there or it doesn't necessarily fit what I'm trying to say and makes people think I'm annoyed or angry when I'm not. I'm the worst person to go to for compliments or comfort because I don't like lying but when I'm honest it's like lol what is tact, sooooo I usually don't say anything even when I really want to because there's like a 91% chance of my offending someone or being hurtful by trying to be nice, and I wouldn't even be certain what part caused that. I come off as arrogant sometimes. Also, my body is kind of... full of various never-fully-healed injuries and illness-proneness and pain.
BONUS dadadadah: Forgetfulness. I even forgot to put forgetfulness on here. I even forgot my pants until just before I went to leave my room this isn't as uncommon as you might think.
Describe your personality:
PEOPLE USUALLY DESCRIBE ME AS CUTE my friends do anyway and then I metaphorically punt them or 8| at them or ask "why" multiple times until they can't answer any more. I apparently have traces (or more) of being a nightmare fuel station attendant, ranging from most of the things I draw to most of the things I say before thinking, to the point where a friend once said they hadn't known I could draw cute things ( wasn't even supposed to be cute :< but I guess it turned out that way). Or the time when I drew a doggy with a pigeon on its head, but it seemed to be lacking a something, and so I drew a... thing hanging down from metal grating to nom on the doggy's head pigeon :3 ...I don't always notice things even when they've been there for months, either. ("look look at this! =D" "...that's been there...") It might be worth noting that I once saw a drawing of Cthulhu in an artbook and could only think that he looked delicious like calamari.
THIS is apparently how I act... uh. I usually experience everything as a little too flat and gray, but removing the grayness has a history of ending badly, so yeah. I'm really quiet, usually seem to have a flat expression (with variations in applicable directions), and attempting to initiate a conversation with me is generally a good way to awkward things up. I'm better with actions than with words, and am more likely to pay for a friend's dinner several weekends a month than to ever express liking them verbally. Chances are good that even if someone's my friend they've described me as aloof, distant, detached or cold. Chances are half as good that if someone is my friend then they've been like "8| idgi, what?" at my sense of humor at least once. Or jokingly called me a horrible person. (I think it's jokingly, anyway...)
I apparently seem intimidating to people who don't know me. I'm pretty sure it doesn't help if someone's experienced me going from flat 0 to 100 on irritation, since that's apparently fucking scary and makes the reason my friends are still friends be because they're either able to defuse situations quick or let them cool off instead of continuing on for whatever retarded reason other idiots will. Apparently I have an overactive fight-flight response, or so I've been told.
I don't like seeing people fight, and I'd really really like it if everyone could get along, so I tend to start crying a little once the point comes that there's nothing I can do to help someone who's like a friend and is hurting, but I try not to let things like that show too much because crying isn't going to help either. ...except this isn't consistent because I have a sadistic, controlling streak that'd like things I would rather not mention.
It seems that I like to use mathematician's answers (accurate but vague/precise but impractical). Every now and then (well, several times a week, I believe) I hit a period of time where I sort of fade out and disconnect from most things and just, like, stare into space for half an hour or two. It seems to look like I'm maybe thinking, but I'm not. Actually, I don't think half so much as people seem to think. I sometimes use a rather stilted, official-document-like manner of writing or speech.
I'm only good at putting a charge into things which are new and/or exciting, and once I'm comfortable with something I lose interest but might be sort of heartbroken if it drops out of my world entirely. I'm not too good at planning things out in ways which are both detailed and make sense.
IDK what else to write, uh... see the rest of the above sections for more, I suppose?
Hobbies: Drawing, painting, reading, carving apples (and then eating them!), random computer stuff, reading, playing video games, playing electric guitar/cello/singing, reading, listening to music.
Goals/Dreams: I... don't know? I've never really had any. Maybe dreams, but they're never anything reachable in this reality. I'm kind of just seeing how things go.
Fears: THE DARK I do not like it at all. Bees, wasps, hornets, yellowjackets. The inherited hereyoucanbeafuckingcrazypersonnow genes activating; I'm already kind of a cloud cuckoo-land-er, I don't need to skip from "adorably weird" to "utterly mad". Being helpless or powerless. Humiliation. Growing to have something or someone really important to me; the thought of losing such a thing.
Favorite Color: I can't pick. >< Um, Black, Yellow, Blue-violet, and White. Also sky blue, and lots of hues of green but not green in general...
Mature or Childish?: Mature in a lot of things (like doing laundry, cooking, shopping) including in understanding how this world works. Childish in many other things, and in actually interacting with this world and reality. Like being all whoosh! like an airplane with my arms out, or being easily bored and sorta fidgety.
Lead or Follow?: I'd rather not deal with people at all! But otherwise I'm actually pretty good at a leadership role, although I won't take it up until everyone else has proved their incompetence. I know I can look like a follower at first, if I'm with my friends, but that's 'cause when I disagree I usually pretty much roll my eyes at them and suck it up this usually involves the enormous gap between my sense of humor and everyone else's, meaning I don't usually find theirs funny. And when it comes to something like a volunteer or work environment I'll get it done and do it right, and I will do what I'm told as long as it's not unreasonable, because that's what I'm there for anyway. It's extremely rare that there's someone I'd willingly and completely play follower to.
Outgoing or Shy? I'm outgoing about trying most things. It's people that I'm shy around. And while shy here can be what you'd expect, it can also mean "annoyed at anyone who thinks it's a bright idea to try getting to know me and doesn't catch on when I get sick of them". ...but even with the people I'm not shy around I could hardly be called "outgoing" since I don't really talk.
Upbeat or Calm?: Calm. Heck, people seek me out when they need someone calm. Although internally I guess I'm not all that calm...
Impulsive or Cautious?: I attempt to be cautious, but when it comes down to it I'm kind of impulsive.
Logical or Imaginative?: ...why is it being presumed that one of these must preclude the other. Logical in the sense of how I attempt to think about things, i.e. in determining a likely sequence of events, connecting diverse subjects, or formal logic as is used as a basis in mathematics and philosophy; not so much when it comes to things like my idiosyncratic organization systems (...when I'm even using one, hahaha). Imaginative in that I can come up with really weird ideas, including ones that don't follow the physical laws of this world and would never work. Also monster drawings (whether they're cute is debatable).
And Here's DURARARA!!
Favorite Character and WHY: I don't think I can pick... uh... Celty is badass and incredibly cute and her talk about aliens makes me want to hug her forever :D Shinra, boy, I can see where you're coming from, Izaya is brilliant and damn sexy, Shizuo is badass and adorable in completely different ways from Celty, so many other characters are just freaking awesome and I don't even have the words for how they are and Mikado is amazing and Masaomi is... Masaomi |D and Anri is like a shy fluffball and just asdhfjsa
What do you think about the series? Good? Bad? Any opinions?: ♥
Whose character design is the best according to you?: CELTY that kitty helmet <3
Any favorite pairings?: U-um. Mikado/Masaomi/Anri and Celty/Shinra especially, and Kasuka/Ruri. I do like pen-attack-head-dude/facelift-girl, it's somehow really sweet in a mildly... creepy... way... um, and I'd read almost anything with Izaya if it doesn't suck or if it does, if you know what I mean.
What episode that appeals to you the most?: AND THEN MIKADO SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER episodes 11 and 12 <3 oh my god that was so awesome asfghjkjs
Masaomi is asking you to hang out with him and he lets you choose where to go! So, to what kind of place would you go to?: An amu- Me and my amusement parks. << I'm not picky. Anywhere I don't know and that he thinks would be interesting is fine, although it'd be cooler if not many people know about it because then it's like a secret! :3
Have you ever thought of doing suicide?: I've, uh. Actually attempted it a few times. That was almost a decade ago, but the thought didn't totally leave until nearly a year ago. Right now I think there are too many interesting things that I'd never experience if I died. Although, that could be interesting too...
Do you believe in legends/myths?: Hmm, as it stands I would say no, or that it depends, but I try to keep an open mind to things and if there were enough evidence then I could think it might be based off fact. Based off, mind; even myths and legends based off real people are fantasized and exaggerated beyond reality, but if it seemed like one might be true with all its fantastical elements intact, that would be truly fascinating.
What kind of sushi do you like?: Unagi maki is the best. <3 Also eels are adorable, but that's neither here nor there. Inarizushi sounds good, but unfortunately I have never eaten it.
You encounter a gang/dangerous person/someone who wants to hurt you-- real bad! What course of action would you take if you happen to meet them?: Well, I can't run because my legs are crap. Well, I could, but I wouldn't get far before I was caught. So I'd fight back. And wouldn't hold back. I may be tiny but some poor motherfucker is going to lose his eyes. And in the end I'd probably die or acquire a broken spine or something uh, no, I'd incapacitate them and then run. I mean, sure, I'd rather kill them and get it over with so they won't be a nuisance again, but unless it was someone who was causing me repeated trouble I wouldn't because. Well. Police. Unless I'm in one of the times where I don't want to hurt anything, and then it'll be like it doesn't really matter what happens to me.
You are about to be transferred to another city so that you can attend a particular school there! Sounds like fun! What kind of things do you expect upon moving there?: Hopefully interesting classes and classmates that'll mostly leave me alone and who won't intentionally annoy me. Maybe I'll manage to make a friend or two. It'd be nice if the city had lots of interesting things to check out. Hopefully the panicking in crowds will stay at a minimum until I've got someone else I can drag around guilt into have come with me places.
Do you prefer to make friends on the Internet (or any other long-distance communication) or by meeting them in person? In person. It's easier to get to know someone over the internet, but I wouldn't call them a friend because communicating over the internet removes a portion of what makes someone seem human. It's much harder to really get to know someone in person, but it's more like knowing them for real, and there are so many things that can't be done electronically.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one:
U-ummmmm I am older than people tend to think I look by 4-8 years...
Also this is two months old and my hair right now is a lot shorter.
Any final words?: That which is in my mind can rarely be expressed through words. Of that which can be, it is unusual that it can be expressed both succinctly and accurately. Even then, only a teeny tiny portion of all those words ever exits my mouth. Overall, those words which escape are much less composed than anything I've written here because lol what is thinking before speaking. This app is the thought processes of a Heron, thank you for reading, the ways I actually act are up there someplace and probably scattered around a bit.
Also, I should neither write portions of nor edit stampy apps when I am sleepy. It is not a good idea, and nothing will make it so, regardless of whether I post it anyway. Bad me. >:( I have edited it since sleeping to hopefully make more sense.
oh my god this is long it was probably so dry I bet I write boring like a textbook or some shit ;; Or not serious enough, that's likely too. ,;;, spider Many many apologies.
DO YOU TRUST ME!?: ...not when you're randomly yelling like that, no.