Jenny I've got your number
I need to make you mine
Jenny don't change your number
When Oscar and I walked into the Key Biscayne recreation center yesterday little did we know there was something big in store for us. I was immediately confronted by one of the managers who asked me why I left early. Bewildered, I simply said "I think you're mistaken, I left at my usual time"; She then proceeded to tell me I was'nt working today. At this point I was wondering what the hell was going on, so I asked for an explanation. The answer I got was one that would make even the most gentle lamb want to rip a fellow comrade's head off: "There's a new schedule in your sign-in folder, you should have looked at it". Blasphemy, I though to myself. Now being the somewhat compassionate fellow that I am, I figured I'd let it slide and check out this 'new' schedule.
I wanted to kill someone.
As I slowly began to regain consciousness, Oscar, death stricken, had already begun to express his dissatisfaction. The tyrant then, in a moment of sympathy, decided to ask if we had any conflicts (of course this makes sense to do after making the schedule, but I'm not one to hold a grudge against a moron). I quickly shot back with a quick "Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays are impossible for me" a lie, obviously. Of course I quickly came up with some bogus excuse as to why, but Oscar on the other hand was'nt as lucky. The oppressor quickly countered with a deafening "Well then Oscar is working on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays", a horrible blow to the social life.
After walking out of the death room, we assessed the damage. Bewildered and on the verge of a nervous breakdown we were, but strong we remained. After work Oscar fought it out with the co-oppressor and won his fridays back, but not without a failed attempt to rescue our regular 4-7 weekday hours.