Title: Return of the Go Master
Rating: probably PG for imagined nudity and boy-boy kissage
Warning: maybe not work safe. Why chance it?
Disclaimer: I don't own this series, and I intend no copyright infringement
Hikaru was still smiling when he opened his eyes to another lucid dream. He was back in his old room at his parents' house, lying
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Comments 17
I love Sai too!! He's so much fun to write!! And I wanted to do a story with him in it.
I don't know when I'll update again. I'd like to say really soon, but I don't want to jinx myself again!! I'll try to remember to email you. (Or you could join LJ! It's free and easy! And then you could read lots and lots of good Hikago fic, and also get notified when I update. No pressure, though. Just an idea.)
Anyway, thanks for reading. I'm glad you like it!
Sai's hair remains anachronistic at best, but mostly it comes off as girly. (No side-fringe, though.) In truth, he somewhat resembles a shirabyoshi, which would be a cross-dressing female dancer, popular in ( ... )
But it really is a great relief to hear that Sai doesn't have a shaved head under that hat. I was always worried that he did!
I'm surprised, though, that his clothing marks him as low rank. Weren't the Fujiwara a very high-ranking family? And would he be allowed so close to the emperor, even if he was a superb go-player? (Not arguing; just curious. I admit I know very little about Heian history or culture.) But that might explain why he was more or less flung into the trash for losing that game, especially if the evil cheating bastard was of higher rank....
Appreciate the info!
The navel sake! XD
I don't know the secret identity of the "Masked Heian Expert," but I hope they respond to your request for a website! The information she (or he) provided was fascinating! ^_^
PS: Your icon...is that Sai? Applying lipstick? I think I like it.... O.O;
Oh, that must have been one of the icons I dropped... it's Sai playing his Chinese flute (the ryuuteki.) If you like it, I'll put it up for you. It wasn't made by me, but it was up for sharing.
Which is why I shall be watching you, for future updates.
It's great that people are still finding and reading the story. I do intend to finish it some day. (blushing again for a different reason.)
Thank you for watching me, too! I'm so flattered! ^_^
Believe me, I know exactly what you mean. *also hasn't updated in a while*
I'm slowly, slowly working on the next installment. I just noticed that it's been over a year since I posted part three. ::sighs::
Anyway, thanks again for reading. I really love your Torajiro/Sai story!!! ^_^
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